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Saturday, June 16, 2012

The EU Has It's Own Chief Science Advisor & Other Ecofascist News

  Some years ago I wrote of Scotland's Chief Science Adviser's lecture to the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow on catastrophic global warming. In it she assured us that warming "will increase day length in Scotland" but that "a 2 degree rise would melt Greenland" and that sceptics "don't provide evidence"..

    I don't think anybody could honestly dispute that she showed herself to be both wholly dishonest and scientifically illiterate. She certainly never disputed that my assessment was accurate.

     So unqualified to wash bottles in any scientific establishment. On the other hand eminently qualified to be among the highest ranks of charlatans, climate scientists and post normal "scientists".

    And so
She was appointed as the European Commission's first ever Chief Scientific Adviser in December 2011.

.... In 2009 she was made a CBE (Commander of the British Empire) for services to environmental science.

.....role as Chief Scientific Adviser will include provision of independent expert advice on any aspect of science, technology and innovation as requested by the President of the European Commission.

In her first major interview since being appointed as the European Commission's Chief Scientific Adviser, Glover emphasised the need for science policy to be firmly based on evidence.

  I am certain she is exactly what they want & will fit the EU' leader's requirement with all the competence and integrity that organisation ever desires.
Said by an irony impaired ecofascist teacher about a pupil who showed dared to ask impertinent questions about his warmist assertions  
[the teacher] continued to attempt open dialogue, but the stubborn student continued to argue,
More irony impairment
Climate Change - Why Do the Facts Fail to Convince?
 When faced with having to support one side or the other in important science debates, most people are influenced far more by their cultural and social worldviews than by solid science, no matter how well that science is presented. The public, especially those well-versed in science and mathematics, will usually agree with the side that comes closest to the values of the “tribe” they most identify with. In many cases, the facts don’t matter at all.

  The author foes not for an instant consider the possibility that it might be those who claim we are experiencing catastrophic warming whose tribe is dissociated from reality.

Union of Concerned Scientists* asking about the way climate advocacy groups are funded by industry and on being told the facts, i.e. that government approved alarmists get far even from industry than sceptical ones do.(industrial leaders want to keep in with politicians)  censored any mention of it.

* membership is available to anybody with $25, scientific knowledge not required, as Anthony Watts cat proved.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Sock Puppetry 2

  I have sent this letter out tom newspapers across the country. I tried to be emolient to journalists by not mentioning that they have been publishing these lies for years & to merely suggest that in future they should be clear when they are reporting an independent person and when they are reporting a state sock puppet. Tell me if you see it published - so far fakecharities have been among those things the British media simply do not mention, but it is always possible that will change.

Daily we see the press covering some "report from a charity" telling us we need more government in some fielf. The little understood way in which "charities" have been used by government bureaucracy, seeking to advertise (or "raise awareness" to put it in more politically correct way) how much they need more money.
Thus Christopher Snowden's report on how government has manufactured "sock puppet" charities is a welcome addition to the debate. It turns out that 27,000 charities across Britain get at least 75% of their money direct from government grants. In some cases such as ASH only 2% comes from independent sources. In cases where the charity only engages in charitable work this may well be acceptable but for "charities" whose main activity is political campaigning for bigger government, more regulation and more regulators, it clearly isn't. For example 9 of the top "environmental charities" get 70% of their income from EU grants, which they then use to promote more EY regulation. We don't know where the other 30% comes from - there are other governments than the EU and other ways of making payments than by direct open grants - but we do know that only 5% of all charity money given in Britain by people is given to "green" charities. We also know that the majority of money received across registered charities comes from the state.
At the very least, when reporting the opinions of organisations passing as charities, journalists should distinguish between those who are truly independent charities and those who are simply "sock puppets" for government bureaucracies. A Mr Snowden says "There is undoubtedly greater PR value in a charity calling for restrictions on liberty than would be the case if the message came directly from a bureaucrat or politician. The charity worker is assumed to be driven by altruism." Journalists should not be complicit in this deceit of the public with our own money.
It should be noted that government "sock puppetry" is not limited to nominal charities. I have elsewhere written on how Scottish Renewables, which appears to be a lobbying group for the windmill industry, has more government organisations on its membership list than windmill companies. Equally the BBC, officially an independent organisation bound by its Charter to "balance" is in fact a government funded organisation which has a clear agenda, indistinguishable from the state one on subjects such as alleged catastrophic warming, the EU and the need to liberate foreigners with bombers which unambiguously censors reporting of some parties and promotes others. For example the aforementioned subsidised greens get 10 times more coverage, all supportive, than UKIP with 4 times as many votes, does.
To quote Snowden again "This is not civil society; it is the muzzling of civil society."
Neil Craig

Ref - Snowden's report

Some quotes from it

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Government Fakecharities = Sock Puppets - An Important Study

    On occasion I have written of how government uses organisations they fund, but calling themselves charities, to run PR campaigns (or as it is called in newspeak "raising awareness") for ever more government spending and regulation.

    Not all of these are official charities, for example Scottish Renewables is official an industry lobbying organisation but is in fact, to a very large extent, funded by the government it is supposed to be lobbying.

    They are also used to promote state policy overseas. Almost any time you see the BBC reporting that a "independent western Non-Governmental Organisation" is stirring up scare stories about some foreign  country you will find it is funded by western governments.

   I have also seen blanket censorship of this phenomenon, not just by the BBC, which being a government fakecharity itself might be expected to censor, but across the entire lamestream media which simply censors any mention of fakecharities. On the net however it is quite widely discussed.

   I think it is unarguable that any journalist, newspaper or broadcaster which reports anything from such organisations without mentioning that they are governmental is lacking not just in objectivity but also in any sort of journalistic ethics. This does not prevent virtually every part of the MSM displauing, on a daily basis, such lack of journalistic ethics. One might almost think that they are also government controlled.  And indeed most papers do get a large proportion of their advertising from government - advertising being a greater source of money than purchasers. In some cases, such as the Guardian, it is obvious from looking at the paper that they get relatively little from advertisers driven by commercial considerations.

    Christopher Snowden has just published this report on what he calls "Sock Puppet" organisations, a term I like. Were our MSM actually interested in real stories rather than just repeating whatever some branch of government is publishing/briefing/leaking on the day this would be extensively covered.

Some excerpts:

In the last fifteen years, state funding of charities in Britain has increased significantly while restrictions on political lobbying by charities have been relaxed. 27,000 charities are now dependent on the government for more than 75 per cent of their income and the ‘voluntary sector’ receives more money from the state than it receives in voluntary donations.

....government funds and/or creates pressure groups with the intention of creating a ‘sock puppet’ version of civil society which creates the illusion of grassroots support for new legislation. These state-funded activists engage in direct lobbying (of politicians) and indirect lobbying (of the public) using taxpayers’ money, thereby blurring the distinction between public and private action.

State-funded charities and NGOs usually campaign for causes which do not enjoy widespread support amongst the general public (e.g. foreign aid, temperance, identity politics). They typically lobby for bigger government, higher taxes, greater regulation and the creation of new agencies to oversee and enforce new laws. In many cases, they call for increased funding for themselves and their associated departments. In public choice terms, they are ‘concentrated interests’ compelling the taxpayer to meet the costs that come from their policies being implemented, as well as the costs of the lobbying itself.

......The EU’s ‘Green 10’ and the Department of Health’s anti-smoking groups offer two examples where the close relationship between pressure groups and the state has been well documented over a number of years.

... Government funding of politically active charities, NGOs and pressure groups is objectionable on three counts. Firstly, it subverts democracy and debases the concept of charity. Secondly, it is an unnecessary and wasteful use of taxpayers’ money. Thirdly, by funding like-minded organisations and ignoring others, genuine civil society is cold shouldered in the political process (p4)

     A businessman might be entirely motivated by avarice and self-promotion, but so long as the market is reasonably competitive, he can only pursue his goals by giving the public what it wants at the best price. He may have no interest whatsoever in the public good, but he has an incentive to advance it nonetheless. Put the same individual in charge of a government department, however,and he will find that his own interests can be served by expanding his bureaucracy and inflating his budget. Once the willing and relatively well-informed customer becomes the unwilling and relatively uninformed taxpayer, the bureaucrat’s desire to maximise his salary while minimising his workload can be achieved with scant regard for the common good. He can advance his career by increasing the size and prestige of his own department and forcing the taxpayer to foot the bill (p6)

‘Moral entrepreneurs’ who rely on alarming the public about threats to their health and safety have an incentive to exaggerate the peril in the short term and find new fears to exploit in long term. There is a tendency for pressure groups to become more dogmatic as they seek to justify their continued existence and a successful organisation will attract new recruits who are still more zealous. This leads to ‘mission creep’ (p8)

It explains why an organisation like the Food Standards Agency can go from having a tiny staff investigating restaurant poisonings to having a budget of £500 million and a mission that has expanded to campaigning against salt, fat and eating crisps during football matches.(p9)

Between 1997 and 2005, the combined income of Britain’s charities nearly doubled, from £19.8 billion to £37.9 billion, with the biggest growth coming in grants and contracts from government departments ...state
funding rose by 38 per cent in the first years of the twenty-first century while private donations rose by just seven per cent.

This surge in government spending coincided with a politicisation of the third sector which was actively encouraged by the state apparatus from the Prime Minister down. Traditionally, lobbying activity could not be a charity’s ‘dominant’ activity, but could only be ‘incidental or ancillary’ to its charitable purpose. In 2002, however, a report from the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit called for charities to increase their lobbying activity and for the Charity Commission guidelines to be made ‘less cautionary’(p12)

‘A charity that relies in the main part on taxes’, wrote the blogger Guido Fawkes, ‘is no more a charity than a prostitute is your girlfriend.’(13)
A survey in 2006 found that only 26 per cent of charities subcontracted to provide public services felt they were ‘free to make decisions without pressure to conform to the wishes of funders’(17)
The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) was founded in 1965 by a group of social workers and sociologists who were disturbed that - as they declared in a letter to Harold Wilson – ‘at least half a
million children in this country are in homes where there is hardship due to poverty.’ A registered
charity since 1986, CPAG now uses a very different measure of deprivation to campaign on behalf
of the ‘3.8 million children living in poverty’32 - not so much a case of mission creeping as goalpost
shifting. (19)

it is a surprise to find that the EU is the War on Want’s single largest donor, closely followed by DfID (21)

For all their talk of engaging with civil society, it is most unlikely that politicians will fund groups with
whom they seriously disagree. Disgruntled motorists might be a large and under-represented group
in civil society, but the government is no more inclined to fund the Automobile Association than it is to give a grant to a pro-life or pro-smoking group. The EU will not give money to a eurosceptic or climate sceptic organisation even if, as is surely the case, their views are under-represented in Brussels (22)

Of the ‘Green 10’ - the ten largest environmental non-profits - only Greenpeace does not receive EU funding and only because it has refused the offer....they proudly explain that their role is to lobby for legislation.
‘We work with the EU law-making institutions - the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers - to ensure that the environment is placed at the heart of policymaking.

Originally, EU funding for these groups was limited to no more than 50 per cent of their annual income,
but when members of the Green 10 complained that they were unable to attract enough voluntary donations to match the EU’s grants, the limit was raised to 70 per cent. This is rent-seeking of the least ambiguous kind.(23)

The case of ASH is illuminating because it has existed long enough for archive documents to have emerged showing what the government expected of the group in terms of lobbying and policy formation. The charity is, as Berridge describes it, ‘the model of an outside campaigning group, but also linked inextricably to government, both financially and in strategic terms.’ From its inception is has been ‘an external pressure group, urging government to greater activity, but at the same time part of the policy network, working with the DHSS [Department of Health and Social Security] while it was agitating outside’. ASH’s model of ‘state-funded activism’ set the template for temperance groups such as Alcohol Concern (founded in 1984 with a £350,000 government grant as well as a more intensely funded wave of anti-smoking lobbyists created by the DH in the 2000s.....

The absence of a grassroots anti-smoking movement was a source of frustration for some in overnment. ....idea of the government manufacturing a more professional outfit lay dormant until the end of the 1960s when it was revived (27)

Once it became clear that ASH would never become the mass movement its founders envisaged, its staff focused on networking with the political and media elite of London....

Donations from the public remain negligible - representing less than two per cent of its income

ASH Scotland’s annual budget exceeded £1 million in 2008/09, of which 91 per cent came from the

Scottish government and NHS Scotland (29)

‘the Government announced he public consultation on the future of tobacco control....The resulting
 consultation attracted 96,000 responses.... at least 73 per cent of the total was solicited by organisations which were overwhelmingly funded by the Department of Health Consequently, the consultation found a uniformity of quasi-public opinion that strained all credibility. There was ‘over 99 per cent agreement’ that there should be further restrictions The gulf between public consultation and public opinion can be gauged by an ASH survey carried out in the same year which found that plain packaging was supported by just 43 per cent of the population(31)

Whether the government uses taxpayers’ money to amplify the voices of sympathetic charities or
creates pressure groups from whole cloth, the result is the same. Unpopular causes are made to look like mass movements and minority views are put centre-stage in a distorted re-imagining of civil society. It is telling that so many state-funded charities campaign for causes which are viewed with ambivalence, if not hostility, by the electorate. Foreign aid, climate change, sin taxes, temperance, anti-smoking, ‘sustainable development’, radical feminism and support for the EU are causes which the political elite believe are under-represented in civil society, but they do not draw from this the obvious conclusion that an absence of voluntary activism is indicative of public indifference....

National governments and the EU give substantial grants to climate change activists, but less than 5 per cent of charitable giving in the UK goes to environmental groups ....Despite climate change being the green lobby’s greatest concern, around a third of the British population considers the threat to be greatly exaggerated, and the rest are by no means universally supportive of Friends of the Earth’s policies. Only one in four of us supports green taxes, for example...

a World Health Organisation conference concluded in 2004 (WHO, 2005, p. 18). This conference, splendidly entitled ‘The Seventh Futures Forum on Unpopular Decisions in Public Health’, highlighted why
governments increasingly rely on state-funded activism to achieve their goals. It was openly admitted that policies favoured by bureaucrats and single-issue campaigners have little support amongst the electorate, but the notion that a democratic society might therefore abandon them seems not to have entered delegates’ minds. Instead they offered advice on how to manipulate the media and lead the public in the desired direction. ‘Making and launching unpopular decisions is everyday business for top-level policy-makers." (34)

The following passage suggests, there is an irreconcilable division between ‘the authorities’ and the electorate.
"mass media will never be totally fair and loyal partners to the authorities; they will most likely primarily be on the side of the general public"                     one can hope - ed
This is not civil society; it is the muzzling of civil society. ....There is no good reason to expect such faultlessness from bureaucrats, nor from their pet pressure groups.... they have the same incentives to seek rent, build empires and magnify threats as corporations and individuals.....It should be no surprise that this subverts democracy, for that is exactly what it was designed to do.(35)

Those who benefit from political patronage are highly vulnerable to changes of government. It is an onerous task for a government to replace one set of sock puppets with another, but the politician may consider the risks of inaction to be too great. As we have seen, governments tend to fund groups which share the same political outlook. If there is a divergence of views, it is only because the group is more extreme than the official party line, but that has the benefit of making the government appear moderate. ...

Consequently, the benefits of creating sock puppet organisations extend beyond the short-term utility of assisting the politician’s legislative agenda whilst in power. Once the party loses power, these groups become a ‘shadow state’ using public money to promote the political causes of its original funders (36)

1. The government should cease giving unrestricted grants to charities. ...The state should be capable of carrying out public information projects without recourse to third parties. If it wishes to pump out propaganda, the public should be informed that it is coming directly from government.

2. Political advertising by government departments should be prohibited....

3. A new category of non-profit organisation should be created for organisations which receive substantial funds from statutory sources. There is no doubt that the word ‘charity’ carries a halo.....

There is undoubtedly greater PR value in a charity calling for restrictions on liberty than would be the case if the message came directly from a bureaucrat or politician. . This, of course, is precisely why governments prefer to speak through sock puppets and why the concept of charity must be reclaimed for civil society.
 most charities receive no funding from the state. People who voluntarily give up their time to help the needy deserve to be distinguished from professional ...

4. Charity Commission regulations for political campaigning should be clarified, with guidelines set out according to existing case law. .... The Charity Commission should revert to previous guidelines which forbade ...charities from making political campaigning their dominant activity.....

HT Bishop Hill

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Scottish Renewables - Barefaced Lying

   A couple of weeks ago Scottish Renewables a government funded fakecharity* wrote in response to letters by me and another claiming, among other lies
We are an apolitical organisation working to ensure Scotland has the optimum conditions for the growth of an industry that meets more than a third of the country’s power needs,
    A few days later the author, Naill Stewart, told the same lie on BBC Newsnight Scotland, naturally without any questioning from Gordon Brewer who has often demonstrated he is sufficiently on top of his brief to know the facts.

    I wrote to Scottish Renewables, 49 Bath St., Glasgow and got this barefaced lie back
Thanks for your mail. Let me start by saying that I did not use the term ‘windmills’ in either the Scotsman or on Newsnight!
The point I made in both is that electricity generation from all forms of renewables now meets over a third of Scotland’s electricity needs as evidenced at the foot of this briefing from the Scottish Government.
I would also like to assure you that although we are a membership body which represents the renewable energy industry and are wholly independent of government, we always operate with integrity, honesty and respect and will continue to do so.
Niall Stuart
Chief Executive
    In fact this link says no such thing. The nearest it gets is to claim  "an interim target of 31% by 2011". That is the closest and obviously 31% is not "over a third" to any honest person so he would be lying if that were so.

    But of course a "target" isn't actuality. So he is lying on that ground too.

   In actuality the latest figures available from that same link, show "renewables" accounted for 24.1% of electricity. So well short of  "more than a third".

    But there is further sleight of hand here. Scottish Renewables are the windmill (the term wind turbine is false because it isn't a turbine) industry's lobbyists. They do not lobby for a massive increase in hydro power because that is not what the government pays them to do - the fact that a massive increase in hydro power is physically impossible because the good sites are already taken could also be a consideration but  SR do not appear overly limited by what the laws of physics say is possible.

    Again, according to what Mr Stewart  says he is basing his claim on 8.3% of that 24.1% is hydro leaving 15.8% from the subsidised "renewable" industry to which he wants the taxpayer to give ever more than £1 bn we shell out to these lying subsidy junkies for their fake "industry" already.

   By comparison if that subsidy had been put into nuclear we could be getting 2 reactors, nearly half of our total electricity, every year. We would not be facing blackouts. We would not be facing 10s of thousands of deaths  as 55% of people have to switch off their heating as bills reach £2000 a year by 2016. Indeed with that level of subsidy nuclear electricity would be free. And the corrupt lying, government propaganda parasites in Scottish Renewables would have to work for a living.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Greenpeace - Support Our Thugs - Send £80

  Jews, they're a bit ugly aren't they? We prefer them when they have statements carved across their faces, like 'no Jews' or 'stupid', which say what we think about them. Actually we'd prefer them if they weren't there at all, because Jews want to rape white women, but we're working on that one.
 £80 Send this Gift.

How this gift works ... Direct actions are about being there in person to stop an integrationist crime from taking place ... Shutting down dirty Jewish ghettos is just one of the ways Greenpeace is working to secure a clean energy future, but attacking individual Jews cranks up the political pressure and throws a vital spotlight on one of the greatest threats to our climate ...

     Paraphrased from here. To be fair the Advertising Standards Authority stepped in to tell Greenpeace that they shouldn't openly solicit £80 from people for the pleasure of knowing they were paying for street thuggery.

     Does anybody doubt that if any other organisation openly advertised for violence for pay their feet wouldn't touch the ground?

    Greenpeace's defence is that they weren'y convicted for their thuggery at Kingsnorth Power Station, the "prosecution having decided not to seriously prosecute and thus it wasn't illegal. In the same way the killings of Krystallnacht didn't result in Hitler's SA thugs being convicted because that government chose to ignore the law too. Which is, if anything, even more reprehensible than Greenpeace's thuggery.

    In defence of the German' government's actions it may be pointed out that Hitler only killed around 6 million Jews whereas the econazis are at about 100 million.

UPDATE It has been gently suggested to me that there may be some irony impaired ecofascists who will take, or pretend to take, the above seriously. My record on the subject speaks for itself. Of course if such a person was genuinely sufficiently irony impaired to believe it they would be publicly equally scathing of Greenpeace's  original article, which would almost make it worth it. On the other hand experience suggests those who claim to be outraged on somebody else's behslf are, almost without exception, lying and do not apply the standards they pretend to believe in to their own allies.

3 stages to understanding the eco-fascist mentality 1) Read this at the Register.

2) translate as a test into familiar fascist terms
3) see how it fits

Appeal to emotions--Check.

Appeal to violent action--Check (etc etc)

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Peak Oil Scare Drowns in Oil

  The oil price hit $83 & is falling fast. Not nominally the equivalent of the $30 of a decade ago but factor in inflation and the falling $ and Yes it is.

   40 years ago we were threatened with the oil running out by 20 years ago. Instead more is being shipped of the stuff than ever.

   As ever it is technological progress combined with the total refusal of our political classes to recognise it.. We find ways of utilising shale oil commercially; we find ways of extracting shale gas; we are on the edge of finding ways of using methane hydrates; we can make unlimited cheap , safe nuclear power; we are on the edge of being able to use "cold fusion"; to grow unlimited oil from algae; to build solar power satellites.

  And now, almost unnecessarily, the Russians have found a new oil field able to supply the entire world for 2/3rds of a century.
I learned last week about another oil shale play that dwarfs it. It’s called The Bazhenov. It’s in Western Siberia, in Russia. And while the Bakken is big, the Bazhenov — according to a report last week by Sanford Bernstein’s lead international oil analyst Oswald Clint — “covers 2.3 million square kilometers or 570 million acres, which is the size of Texas and the Gulf of Mexico combined.” This is 80 times bigger than the Bakken....
No wonder. The geology of the Bazhenov looks just as good if not better. Its pay zone averages about 100 feet thick, and as Clint points out, the Bazhenov has lots of cracks and fractures that could make its oil flow more readily. The couple of test wells that he cites flowed at an average of 400 barrels per day. That’s in line with the Bakken average.
This Siberian bonanza might be news to most of us, but it’s old news to Big Oil. The conventional oil fields of Siberia have been producing millions of barrels a day for decades — oil that originated in the Bazhenov “source rock” then slowly oozed up over the millenia. From the looks of it, geologists have been looking at the Bazhenov for more than 20 years.
It’s only in the last five years that the technology and expertise has been developed that will enable drillers to harvest it. Lukoil‘s president Vagit Alekperov said a year ago that his company was also experimenting with the shale.
Analyst Clint figures that it won’t be hard for Big Oil to export their shale-cracking techniques to Siberia. They will be challenged, however by summer weather in Siberia, which softens the ground enough to prevent drilling for much of the season. If Russia can get its act together to deploy 300 drilling rigs to the play, Clint figures Bazhenov could be producing 1 million bpd by 2020....

If Harold Hamm is convinced the Bakken will give up 24 billion barrels, a play 80 times bigger like the Bazhenov would imply 1,920 billion barrels. That’s a preposterous figure, enough oil to satisfy all of current global demand for 64 years, or to do 5 million bpd for more than 1,000 years. Rosneft, says Clint, has already estimated 18 billion barrels on its Bazhenov acreage. Either way, it looks like they’ll still be working the Bazhenov long after Vladimir Putin has finally retired and the Peak Oil crowd realizes there’s more oil out there than we’ve ever imagined.
  Meanwhile our own government is deliberately lying to pretend that simply allowing the exploitation of our own shale gas fields could get us out of recession.

    What a bunch of corrupt, lying, thieving, totalitarian, fascist parasites they are.

   And here is an article by Tory MEP Struan Stevenson bemoaning the refusal of the Scottish government to consider shale gas as nearly 1 million Scots households (NB households not individuals) are in fuel poverty. Once again Holyrood prove that when it comes to lying, thieving, totalitarian, fascist parasites they always endeavour to be the most totalitarian.

HT Al Fin

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