Wednesday, June 15, 2011
A Library of News and Pictures about Yugoslavia Censored by our Lamestream Media
I am very pleased to be able to introduce Andrej Pavlovic's new blog.
All stuff that could hardly be more totally censored by the Anglo-American media if every single journalist were loyally under Stalinist control. How that is possible if they aren't all entirely corrupt is something I have yet to see an explanation for.
As I said Andrej has been collating these for some time but now that he is also listing them on his own blog I expect him to, fairly quickly, build up a library of information, links and photographs
which is otherwise not available to most westerners. I expect his blogspot search facility to be widely used, even by journalists should there turn out to be some with integrity. These are the articles he has put up in just a few days:
KOSOVO: Trial in Klecka massacre case begins
CROATIA: War Crimes against Serbs- Wartime Assista...
Modern Tokyo Times: Vichy Serbia Sends War Hero To...
Former KLA members go on war crimes trial
KOSOVO: Church in Smodreza turned into public toil...
Swans Commentary » Srebrenica, Mon Amour - An...
KOSOVO: Frequent looting of Serb churches in vicin...
KOSOVO: Two individuals arrested over stoning of b...
Voltaire Network: Ratko Mladic and the Pandora's b...
Republican Riot: Roasting Mladic
Holocaust survivors denounce pope's Croatia statem...
Croatia moves towards finalising EU entry talks
General Mladic: The Facts
Witness tells UN court he was forced to lie about ...
Bundeswehr slammed for children's 'Mitrovica' war ...
Harvard Researcher: ‘Vatican helped Nazis evade co...
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey - how EU makes Serbia ble...
1986 ethnic composition of Yugoslavia
How many of these have been you seen or will you see reported by the BBC/ITN or Scotsman/Herald or any equivalent in your neighbourhood?
Andrej has done a service not only to Serbia but to everybody who believes in freedom of information.
Yugoslav Affairs http://yugo-affairs.blogspot.com/I recently commended the regular newsletter he produces collating news stories about what went on and is still going on in former Yugoslavia. He is now making this permanently available on blog and there is a lot of it for news that we never see "officially".
All stuff that could hardly be more totally censored by the Anglo-American media if every single journalist were loyally under Stalinist control. How that is possible if they aren't all entirely corrupt is something I have yet to see an explanation for.
As I said Andrej has been collating these for some time but now that he is also listing them on his own blog I expect him to, fairly quickly, build up a library of information, links and photographs

which is otherwise not available to most westerners. I expect his blogspot search facility to be widely used, even by journalists should there turn out to be some with integrity. These are the articles he has put up in just a few days:
KOSOVO: Trial in Klecka massacre case begins
CROATIA: War Crimes against Serbs- Wartime Assista...
Modern Tokyo Times: Vichy Serbia Sends War Hero To...
Former KLA members go on war crimes trial
KOSOVO: Church in Smodreza turned into public toil...
Swans Commentary » Srebrenica, Mon Amour - An...
KOSOVO: Frequent looting of Serb churches in vicin...
KOSOVO: Two individuals arrested over stoning of b...
Voltaire Network: Ratko Mladic and the Pandora's b...
Republican Riot: Roasting Mladic
Holocaust survivors denounce pope's Croatia statem...
Croatia moves towards finalising EU entry talks
General Mladic: The Facts
Witness tells UN court he was forced to lie about ...
Bundeswehr slammed for children's 'Mitrovica' war ...
Harvard Researcher: ‘Vatican helped Nazis evade co...
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey - how EU makes Serbia ble...
1986 ethnic composition of Yugoslavia
How many of these have been you seen or will you see reported by the BBC/ITN or Scotsman/Herald or any equivalent in your neighbourhood?
Andrej has done a service not only to Serbia but to everybody who believes in freedom of information.
Labels: Government parasitism, International politics, Media, Yugoslavia