Wednesday, May 19, 2010
From Serbianna News but not the BBC (I know which I consider more trustworthy - some may not agree):
"In 2009, EULEX, EUs law and order mission to Kosovo province, took over the so-called Dossier HPQ 215/2002, a collection of UN documents with evidence that the most senior ethnic Albanian separatist leaders have been and some are still involved in crime ranging from human traffic to organ extraction, illegal organ transplants, drug and slave trade…
One EULEX official said that there “exist photographs, witnesses and even evidence of blood”.
Intelligence reports also point that these senior ethnic Albanian officials, such as the former so-called Kosovo prime minister Ramush Haradinaj, are capos of huge drug cartels.
The UN documents also note that certain Kosovo clinics, especially in the city of Pristina, use enormous amounts of blood.
These clinics, ran by a Kosovo separatist official close to the acting so-called prime minister Hashim Thaci, are believed to be locations where illegal organ transplants take place.
Recently, an ethnic Albanian, Nazim Blaca, voluntarily confessed to EULEX that he was a hired killer for Hashim Thaci and that he was involved in murder of 17 individuals.
Nearly all of today’s Albanian separatists officials were once members of the terror organization, the KLA, that managed these varying criminal enterprises."
From the highlighted part I conclude that the dissection of living people that NATO police carried out when we took over is still going on today & that the western authorities running the place are perfectly well aware of this. The only other conclusion would be that these gangsters have metamorphosed into managers of world class surgical hospitals.
The gangsters, pimps, secret police torturers & baby dissectors our governments deliberately hired & organised to commit genocide, under the title KLA, to justify our aggression have never had either the ethical or organisational capacity to run anything more complex than a criminal gang. All their instincts run to gang loyalty. NATO may allow President "Snake" Thaci the nominal title of "sovereign ruler of an independent country" but at every level EU officials do the actual running & government funding is entirely western. When genocide & worse takes place it is because our governments will it.
I have previously remarked on the censorship of not only reporting of government genocide but of public letters on the subject. When I first started writing letters to newspapers the large majority, on any subject got published, now it is a minority & almost zero on subjects such as this. One answer would be that my writing skills have markedly decreased over the years. Another would be a blacklist. If someone can think of a 3rd please let me know. The fact that a Green candidate at the last election could pick me out of a crowd as somebody who "regularly writes letters in the Herald on supporting nuclear power" (in fact the Herald, my local paper, hadn't published such a letter for 11 months) suggests that the quality & memorability of my writing is not the issue (at least not lack thereof).
Knowing this I have probably burned some more boats by sending this letter yesterday to every significant newspaper & broadcaster in Scotland & Britain & to the US national papers.
Currently "HPQ 215/2002" for a Google news search shows 4 Greek or Balkan mentions of this worldwide so no printing of my letter anywhere & a Google web search also shows only the Serbianna mention & a number of foreign language ones.
I mean every word of this letter & I think the obvious censorship of it proves that every word I say against the obscene, subhuman, monsters who work for the mainstream media is more than wholly justified.

"In 2009, EULEX, EUs law and order mission to Kosovo province, took over the so-called Dossier HPQ 215/2002, a collection of UN documents with evidence that the most senior ethnic Albanian separatist leaders have been and some are still involved in crime ranging from human traffic to organ extraction, illegal organ transplants, drug and slave trade…
One EULEX official said that there “exist photographs, witnesses and even evidence of blood”.
Intelligence reports also point that these senior ethnic Albanian officials, such as the former so-called Kosovo prime minister Ramush Haradinaj, are capos of huge drug cartels.
The UN documents also note that certain Kosovo clinics, especially in the city of Pristina, use enormous amounts of blood.
These clinics, ran by a Kosovo separatist official close to the acting so-called prime minister Hashim Thaci, are believed to be locations where illegal organ transplants take place.
Recently, an ethnic Albanian, Nazim Blaca, voluntarily confessed to EULEX that he was a hired killer for Hashim Thaci and that he was involved in murder of 17 individuals.
Nearly all of today’s Albanian separatists officials were once members of the terror organization, the KLA, that managed these varying criminal enterprises."
From the highlighted part I conclude that the dissection of living people that NATO police carried out when we took over is still going on today & that the western authorities running the place are perfectly well aware of this. The only other conclusion would be that these gangsters have metamorphosed into managers of world class surgical hospitals.
The gangsters, pimps, secret police torturers & baby dissectors our governments deliberately hired & organised to commit genocide, under the title KLA, to justify our aggression have never had either the ethical or organisational capacity to run anything more complex than a criminal gang. All their instincts run to gang loyalty. NATO may allow President "Snake" Thaci the nominal title of "sovereign ruler of an independent country" but at every level EU officials do the actual running & government funding is entirely western. When genocide & worse takes place it is because our governments will it.
I have previously remarked on the censorship of not only reporting of government genocide but of public letters on the subject. When I first started writing letters to newspapers the large majority, on any subject got published, now it is a minority & almost zero on subjects such as this. One answer would be that my writing skills have markedly decreased over the years. Another would be a blacklist. If someone can think of a 3rd please let me know. The fact that a Green candidate at the last election could pick me out of a crowd as somebody who "regularly writes letters in the Herald on supporting nuclear power" (in fact the Herald, my local paper, hadn't published such a letter for 11 months) suggests that the quality & memorability of my writing is not the issue (at least not lack thereof).
Knowing this I have probably burned some more boats by sending this letter yesterday to every significant newspaper & broadcaster in Scotland & Britain & to the US national papers.
Currently "HPQ 215/2002" for a Google news search shows 4 Greek or Balkan mentions of this worldwide so no printing of my letter anywhere & a Google web search also shows only the Serbianna mention & a number of foreign language ones.
I mean every word of this letter & I think the obvious censorship of it proves that every word I say against the obscene, subhuman, monsters who work for the mainstream media is more than wholly justified.
To whom it may concern,If anybody sees this published, presumably in an abbreviated form, please let me know. If I find it I will update this entry.
When NATO first took over Kosovo they appointed the NATO armed & organised KLA as our police. At least part of the reason for this was to get round the occupation agreement under which we promised to disarm the KLA, whom even our Foreign Secretary acknowledged (2 months before going to war to help them) had been proven to be engaged in racial genocide & to maintain law & order in a racially neutral way. Appointing the KLA as police did this, or at least as much of it as NATO intended. As a result our police were allowed free reign to engage in massacres (e.g. the widely unreported murder of at least 210 unarmed civilians beside Britain's main base in the suburb of Dragodan); the ethnic cleansing of 350,000 people of Serb, Gypsy, Jewish & indeed Christian Albanian extraction; the kidnapping of thousands of schoolchildren (mainly girls) to serve as sex slaves in western & occupation brothels; & the dissection of 1,300 civilians & their dissection, while still alive, to provide body organs for western hospitals.
The western media have, with almost total unanimity censored mention of these atrocities even to the extent of censoring any letters from the public mentioning them, as I can testify from personal experience. I would except only the Morning Star, in Britain & America, as having maintained some willingness to support press freedom on the issue of censoring racial genocide. I had assumed that at least some of the self justification editors had used for this is that, with the exception of the child sexual slavery, it was now finished & not worth stirring up. I was wrong.
It turns out that a UN Dossier HPQ 215/2002 confirms not only that the most senior ethnic Albanian separatist leaders have been and some are still involved in crime ranging from human traffic to organ extraction, illegal organ transplants, drug and slave trade…
One EULEX official said that there “exist photographs, witnesses and even evidence of blood”.
Intelligence reports also point that these senior ethnic Albanian officials, such as the former so-called Kosovo prime minister Ramush Haradinaj, are capos of huge drug cartels. The UN documents also note that certain Kosovo clinics, especially in the city of Pristina, use enormous amounts of blood.
Note the use of the present tense. These "enormous quantities of blood" which can only be for keeping people alive as they are dissected, is being done right now & the NATO/EU/UN authorities (often the same bureaucrats under 3 hats) are aware of it & deliberately assisting by keeping silent.
Kosovo is a NATO/EU occupied colony. Nominally we have let the KLA drug lords, sex slavers & baby dissectors such as President "Snake" Thaci claim to be running an independent state but at all levels EU "mentors" do the actual governing protecting the "state" & allowing the nominal leaders to murder as they wish. Everybody knows this "independence is a legalistic fiction, though not even legal under international law.
In terms of actual murders the NATO actions against the Yugoslavs over the last 2 decades, which according to Lord Ashdown (a supporter of them) has caused the deaths of half a million people fall short, by 2 orders of magnitude, of the atrocities of Hitler. On the other hand numbers are not everything. By comparison with our government's dissection of living people the gas chambers at Auschwitz were a gentle & painless death. Hitler, even assuming his sanity, was engaged in what he believed to be a war of national survival (albeit one entirely of his own making). In such wars humane behaviour is always rare. By comparison NATO's wars against Yugoslavia have are like small boys torturing small animals to death. There was never any hint of threat from Yugoslavia it was simply that, even after the cold war, Russia was rather too powerful a nation to treat so - thus we killed Serbs as proxies.
Hitler certainly killed far more - 6 million Jews, 24 million Soviets, 2 million Yugoslavs & to ever increasing degrees it has become politically correct that we commemorate the Jews (since we were then pointing thousands of nuclear bombs at Soviet cities disapproving of the genocide of slavs has not been encouraged). Nonetheless when comparing the balance of evil & excuse it is clear that no NATO leader involved - not Blair or Clinton, Brown or Bush or Obama - can claim not to significantly exceed Adolf Hitler in evil in that balance.
In the same way that somebody who eats meat cannot claim moral superiority to the butcher so editors, broadcasters & indeed journalists who continue to censor the news to assist in the continued assembly line dissection of living people to steal their body organs cannot claim moral superiority to the staff of Auschwitz. Indeed it is doubtful if any of them can claim equality.
I hope that decent people will at least cease the censorship of these atrocities. Our leaders have got away with genocide & worse, for 2 decades. Let it not be 3.
Neil Craig
Ref - the UN documents are quoted in this report http://serbianna.com/news/?p=4651&cpage=1 "The UN documents also note that certain Kosovo clinics, especially in the city of Pristina, use enormous amounts of blood."
FoI information on Dragodan massacre http://a-place-to-stand.blogspot.com/2008/01/dragodan-massacre-freedom-of_23.html widely unreported.
If there is another credible (or incredible) interpretation for the use of blood in such quantities you should mention it in reporting of this. In any case you should report it. Nato's atrocities are unquestionably hundreds of times worse than anything Israel is accused of & NATO has at least 10s of thousands of times less defensive justification. Any western news medium which is not provably overwhelmingly both pro-Nazi & anti-Semitic cannot fail to give far more coverage to NATO's genocide than to anything relating to Gaza.
I do understand that you may wish to edit this letter, though the basic facts, if not credibly deniable, must be reported.
I would, of course, also understand in a different way if you decided to censor this to assist in its continuance.
If you have any specific questions or would like to do a more comprehensive article on the subject I would be happy to assist. Under the heading YUGOSLAVIA on my online index http://neilsindex.blogspot.com/ you will find extensive information on many different aspects of NATO's genocide & further links proving it all & more

Labels: International politics, Media, Yugoslavia
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Are there no investigative journalists anymore? Have you thought of tying to get Press TV (SKY 515) involved? They are Iranian funded and might relish the opportunity to rubbish another Western intervention? Gicen the ethnic and religous sensibilities this is not certain, but it maybe worth an e-mail?
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