Saturday, June 28, 2014
Scottis Tories Unpopular Because of the Callous PM Who Deliberately Destroyed Our Industry & Killed Communities
This is to prove some ideas I have about the fall of the Conservative Party in Scotland (and thus of the apparent fall in support for market freedom so long as there was no other credible free market party here).

At the start of this Scotland gave the Tories just over 50% of the vote, more than Labour has ever achieved. By comparison Wales was always dodgy ground for them and in fact if you bear in nmind that neither main party hopes to get above 40% of the UK vote now a Tory drop of 4% from 30% to 26% there proportionately counts as a gain - certainly so compared to Labour.
The first Tory drop here is from 50% to just under 40% over the 15 years between 1955 and 1970. That loss is serious. It covers the period of the Conservative councillors, who used to fight under the name Progressives (a title the left now claim so I assume they think it is attractive) largely dropped that name and became Conservative. This was the end of a particularly Scottish, anti-socialist, political institution which didn't suit the vision of Tory "modernisers" of the time and which incidentally suited the Unionist vote - basically the group of, mainly protestant Liberals who at the end of the 19thC or later, split from them over Irish home rule. They were willing to work with the Tories but were never really were comfortable being them. The protestant unionist vote was a group Tory "modernisers" were embarrassed to have supporting them. Even so, while losing 12% of the vote is a bad fall, remember that this was the period when the SNP first won Hamilton and became something more than a fringe and when the Liberals were rising from the edge of non-existence to 7.5% in 1970 so probably half of this drop can be put down to these factors.
The 36 years from late 1974 to 2010 shows a drop from 24% to 17%. Again bad but not a disaster, at least as counts the amount of change. There was a UK wide drop up to 2005 of 4% (though they recovered elsewhere in 2010 - Gordon Brown was not as unpopular here as elsewhere). There was a greater fall here during Thatcher's 2nd and 3rd elections but it was certainly not the "electoral poison" she is claimed to have been. I think some of that can be blamed on their opposition to devolution and some (though the better than UK recovery in 1992 suggests not much) to the coal industry being bigger here.
The real disaster in Scottish Conservative voting was from 1970 to late 1974. A 4 year period that saw them fall from 38% to 24%. 37% of their voters gone. Now that is the definition of electoral disaster.
So what was the cause of this. I am going to say it was Ted Heath's selling out of the fishing industry to join the EU. The EU's common fisheries policy, that the fish belonged to the whole EU not the countries in whose waters they were, was cynically cobbled together hours before negotiations with would be new members started. Heath and his supporters made it absolutely clear that they were willing to sell out our industry. It was, after all, an industry concentrated in far away Scotland, in small towns and villages where the metropolitan media never go. In his calculation of the political balance of power these people, their livelihoods and homes were expendable to achieve Heath's dream of membership of the EEC.
Since fishing was a largely a small business, with captains owning their ships, it was not unionised. These towns and villages, didn't have the support of massive union power (much more massive then than now) and their PR and machines and flying picket thugs. Their fate has barely stirred the surface of the UK political and media class. While media pundits still lament how Thatcher destroyed mining communities (she didn't, economics did) they are simply ignorant of how Heath, quite deliberately and with no economic justification at all, murdered (murder being deliberate planned killing) Scottish fishing communities. But it stirred Scotland into considering that not only were we being ignored by London (we always knew that and being ignored by Westminster is not so bad) but that we were actively expendable and betrayable.
It may be 40 years on and the party may, or may claim to be, offering us the chance to leave, but the Scottish Tories deserve every single lost vote.
But the SNP don't deserve any better. The Tories may have murdered the industry but the self styled "Scottish National Party" have kept on mutilating the body. Nobody, not even the LibDems, are more enthusiastic for us staying in the EU. Nobody, certainly not the present Tories, are as keen to pay our membership of the EU in Scotland's fish. Though it is certain the terms of membership of a their "independent" Scotland would involve far more than what the EU already have from Britain. The SNP know the people of Scotland would never support another such sell out - that is why this most unpatriotic of parties has said it would not allow us a vote on rejoining the EU.
Yet the fishing fields are still there. A fair proportion of the fish are too, despite EU overfishing and they should recover if there were a few years of only the current UK landings taking place. If there were the political will to do so.
What the people of Scotland, and particularly the coastal fishing regions, need is a genuinely patriotic Scottish party (Scottish and British patriotism being entirely compatible) putting forward a Scottish programme which would include quitting the EU and allowing the British fishing industry to be as good as ever. Or better.

At the start of this Scotland gave the Tories just over 50% of the vote, more than Labour has ever achieved. By comparison Wales was always dodgy ground for them and in fact if you bear in nmind that neither main party hopes to get above 40% of the UK vote now a Tory drop of 4% from 30% to 26% there proportionately counts as a gain - certainly so compared to Labour.
The first Tory drop here is from 50% to just under 40% over the 15 years between 1955 and 1970. That loss is serious. It covers the period of the Conservative councillors, who used to fight under the name Progressives (a title the left now claim so I assume they think it is attractive) largely dropped that name and became Conservative. This was the end of a particularly Scottish, anti-socialist, political institution which didn't suit the vision of Tory "modernisers" of the time and which incidentally suited the Unionist vote - basically the group of, mainly protestant Liberals who at the end of the 19thC or later, split from them over Irish home rule. They were willing to work with the Tories but were never really were comfortable being them. The protestant unionist vote was a group Tory "modernisers" were embarrassed to have supporting them. Even so, while losing 12% of the vote is a bad fall, remember that this was the period when the SNP first won Hamilton and became something more than a fringe and when the Liberals were rising from the edge of non-existence to 7.5% in 1970 so probably half of this drop can be put down to these factors.
The 36 years from late 1974 to 2010 shows a drop from 24% to 17%. Again bad but not a disaster, at least as counts the amount of change. There was a UK wide drop up to 2005 of 4% (though they recovered elsewhere in 2010 - Gordon Brown was not as unpopular here as elsewhere). There was a greater fall here during Thatcher's 2nd and 3rd elections but it was certainly not the "electoral poison" she is claimed to have been. I think some of that can be blamed on their opposition to devolution and some (though the better than UK recovery in 1992 suggests not much) to the coal industry being bigger here.
The real disaster in Scottish Conservative voting was from 1970 to late 1974. A 4 year period that saw them fall from 38% to 24%. 37% of their voters gone. Now that is the definition of electoral disaster.
So what was the cause of this. I am going to say it was Ted Heath's selling out of the fishing industry to join the EU. The EU's common fisheries policy, that the fish belonged to the whole EU not the countries in whose waters they were, was cynically cobbled together hours before negotiations with would be new members started. Heath and his supporters made it absolutely clear that they were willing to sell out our industry. It was, after all, an industry concentrated in far away Scotland, in small towns and villages where the metropolitan media never go. In his calculation of the political balance of power these people, their livelihoods and homes were expendable to achieve Heath's dream of membership of the EEC.
Since fishing was a largely a small business, with captains owning their ships, it was not unionised. These towns and villages, didn't have the support of massive union power (much more massive then than now) and their PR and machines and flying picket thugs. Their fate has barely stirred the surface of the UK political and media class. While media pundits still lament how Thatcher destroyed mining communities (she didn't, economics did) they are simply ignorant of how Heath, quite deliberately and with no economic justification at all, murdered (murder being deliberate planned killing) Scottish fishing communities. But it stirred Scotland into considering that not only were we being ignored by London (we always knew that and being ignored by Westminster is not so bad) but that we were actively expendable and betrayable.
It may be 40 years on and the party may, or may claim to be, offering us the chance to leave, but the Scottish Tories deserve every single lost vote.
But the SNP don't deserve any better. The Tories may have murdered the industry but the self styled "Scottish National Party" have kept on mutilating the body. Nobody, not even the LibDems, are more enthusiastic for us staying in the EU. Nobody, certainly not the present Tories, are as keen to pay our membership of the EU in Scotland's fish. Though it is certain the terms of membership of a their "independent" Scotland would involve far more than what the EU already have from Britain. The SNP know the people of Scotland would never support another such sell out - that is why this most unpatriotic of parties has said it would not allow us a vote on rejoining the EU.
Yet the fishing fields are still there. A fair proportion of the fish are too, despite EU overfishing and they should recover if there were a few years of only the current UK landings taking place. If there were the political will to do so.
What the people of Scotland, and particularly the coastal fishing regions, need is a genuinely patriotic Scottish party (Scottish and British patriotism being entirely compatible) putting forward a Scottish programme which would include quitting the EU and allowing the British fishing industry to be as good as ever. Or better.

Labels: ', EU, Scottish politics, scottish progress, UKIP
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Not just fishing, but farming as well. Since joining in the the early 1970's British agriculture fared poorer than the rest of the community until acheiving some degree of parity with the Mac Sharry reforms of 1992,which lasted until 1997. These 5 years were the most prosperous for British farming since joining the EEC. In all of that time English farms got slightly higher rates of subsidies than their Scottish counterparts, despite having better natural advantages of climate and land quality.
Mr Heath's chancellor hiked up the property boom in the south east when he introduced capital gains tax but exempted family homes. The biggest concentration of civil servants ( who are not allowed other paid employment at the same time ) is in or near London, and this tax exemption suited them down to the ground.
Mr Heath's chancellor hiked up the property boom in the south east when he introduced capital gains tax but exempted family homes. The biggest concentration of civil servants ( who are not allowed other paid employment at the same time ) is in or near London, and this tax exemption suited them down to the ground.
The Tories and "establishment" (i.e. BBC and academia) have disliked the manufacturing "up north" for generations.
That is why they lost support.
Thatcher was part of a long process - perhaps the worst part, but still part of a long series of anti-industry governments run by OXBRIDGE politicians.
As I keep saying: "the pigs gathered all the animals of animal farm together and said: 'from now on you will be free to choose which [Oxbridge] pig runs the farm'"
We lost industry because academia and particularly "posh" academia like oxbridge, dislikes industry.
That culture was taught to the narrow minded political elite, and the political elite took it to heart.
Thatcherism was just a particular manifestation of that anti-industry hatred. The BBC global warming obsession is another form of anti-industry = anti-fossil fuel hatred.
These are just like racism - totally unfounded biased created by cultural prejudice.
And in a real sense, they are racist, because the "establishment" is largely from the French-Norman stock, and industry was indigenous people.
The only reason people don't recognise it as racist is because there are not the same clear distinguishing features.
That is why they lost support.
Thatcher was part of a long process - perhaps the worst part, but still part of a long series of anti-industry governments run by OXBRIDGE politicians.
As I keep saying: "the pigs gathered all the animals of animal farm together and said: 'from now on you will be free to choose which [Oxbridge] pig runs the farm'"
We lost industry because academia and particularly "posh" academia like oxbridge, dislikes industry.
That culture was taught to the narrow minded political elite, and the political elite took it to heart.
Thatcherism was just a particular manifestation of that anti-industry hatred. The BBC global warming obsession is another form of anti-industry = anti-fossil fuel hatred.
These are just like racism - totally unfounded biased created by cultural prejudice.
And in a real sense, they are racist, because the "establishment" is largely from the French-Norman stock, and industry was indigenous people.
The only reason people don't recognise it as racist is because there are not the same clear distinguishing features.
It isn't everybody at Oxbridge - they both have produced a lot of good scientists. It is the "humanities" academics and even more those who go on to lead the civil service because they studied medieval Italian poetry and politicians who did nothing but PPE.
I don't think it is much to do with "Norman stock". Gordon Brown wasn't Norman, nor Neil Kinnock, nor John Major, nor the Milibands, nor Alec Salmond.
I don't think it is much to do with "Norman stock". Gordon Brown wasn't Norman, nor Neil Kinnock, nor John Major, nor the Milibands, nor Alec Salmond.
"So what was the cause of this. I am going to say it was Ted Heath's selling out of the fishing industry to join the EU." I've been arguing this case for years. I'm always told that "I've never heard that before": some people can't deal with any argument they haven't already heard, apparently.
Hi deareme - none so blind ( or deaf ) as those who do not wish to see ( or hear). On Ted Heath's failings those in charge must have had early indications of the north sea fossil carbon deposits, and only a fool would expect other countries to sell of their birthright cheap to sustain a wasteful arrogant culture elsewhere. Surely somebody in the massed ranks of highly educated civil servants and government advisors would have realised the strategic position and realised Britain had a strong hand when negotiating with Europe ( or we had if they had not squandered it rather than face up to the systemic faults in how Britain was and sadly still is managed )
On fishing, it was a simple ambush. Heath was boasting that he'd triumphantly negotiated our entry to the Common Market, and then at the last moment was told the whole deal was off unless he handed over our fishing. He did so, the great soft pillock. I imagine that much of the civil service was in despair at his folly.
The harm done to the country by the socialist governments of Wilson and Heath is probably irreparable.
The harm done to the country by the socialist governments of Wilson and Heath is probably irreparable.
Good post from Neil but, sadly, his last since he passed away on 29th June. He had some perceptive and honest insights. Condolences to his nearest and dearest.
Why would any government deliberately destroy industry just for the sake of it , this is just paranoid nonsense
"Why would any government deliberately destroy industry just for the sake of it": I've just explained why Heath did. Can't you read?
Thank fuck the lunatic is dead! What a self-aggrandising no-hoper waste of space the man was. Good riddance - and no more bizarre wee rants on half the lamp posts in Glasgow! Really, the idiot was so far up himself with his crazed, willfully ignorant diatribes, like a monkey with a keyboard and a bag of bananas. He's no loss.
Mr.Craig was obviously a man of honor and highly intelligent. R.I.P Neil Craig.
To the vile, unintelligent sub-human scum of the earth piece of excrement troll calling himself "Anonymous" above: what exactly have you contributed to this world apart from polluting it with your vile, filthy, parasitic existence? You are nothing but a stinking, cowardly internet troll with no life.
How dare you write your vile, disrespectful comments here against a man who can't defend himself, you mental midget?
Show some respect for the deceased, you miserable low life creep. You obviously somehow survived the abortion your mom attempted upon you. Such a pity.
You are now obviously filled with self hate and jealous rage towards others more intelligent than you. Even against those who have passed away! What a pathetic, miserable existence you have! Why don't you do yourself and the world a favor and just kill yourself already, you filthy maggot.
To the vile, unintelligent sub-human scum of the earth piece of excrement troll calling himself "Anonymous" above: what exactly have you contributed to this world apart from polluting it with your vile, filthy, parasitic existence? You are nothing but a stinking, cowardly internet troll with no life.
How dare you write your vile, disrespectful comments here against a man who can't defend himself, you mental midget?
Show some respect for the deceased, you miserable low life creep. You obviously somehow survived the abortion your mom attempted upon you. Such a pity.
You are now obviously filled with self hate and jealous rage towards others more intelligent than you. Even against those who have passed away! What a pathetic, miserable existence you have! Why don't you do yourself and the world a favor and just kill yourself already, you filthy maggot.
A scientific group proposed already in world congresses an electromangetic magma mitigation/averting devastating volcanic disasters/geomagnetic superstorms/magnetic pole reversal plan!
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"Explosive volcanic eruptions triggered by cosmic rays: Volcano as a bubble chamber" - Ebisuzaki et al www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1342937X10001966
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