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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Channel 4 Campaigns Aganst Sri Lanka But Supported NATO's Genocide, Sex Slavery & Dissecting People

      I put this fairly long post on the C4 website. I will let you know if they answer it or censor it:

I am certain that C4's slanted coverage of this will harm ordinary people in Sri Lanka. Slanted because what is alleged to be going on cannot be understood except in connection with the war. And that during that war the Tamil Tigers were genocidal in an open manner. People whose relatives were victims of genocide are not going to be gentle in restoring order - that isn't a matter of right or wrong but an inevitability. By ignoring the Tiger atrocities and playing up present alleged, by comparison, minor stuff C4 is inciting more Tamil terrorism which will inevitably lead to retaliation.

This lack of concern for people compared  to getting a simple BandW story is common.

However there is worse hypocrisy here.
The repeated headlining of crying women & children is deeply cynical and also suggests a lack of actual facts.
It is reminiscent of the coverage the UK state media gave to Kosovo where the lack of evidence of Yugoslav atrocities was mare than made up for by pictures of crying Albanian women.

We now know that the reason there was no evidence was because the news was faked. In 4 1/2 years of Milosevic's "trial" no actual evidence of any authorised wrongdoing by the Yugoslav government could be found. Channel 4 was as deeply involved in promoting these lies and thus the criminal war against Yugoslavia, not only by pushing false propaganda stories but also by deliberately censoring mention of the genuine atrocities being carried out by the drug lords, sex slavers and organleggers hired and armed by NATO as the KLA.

Much worse.
When NATO took over Kosovo, under an agreement to disarm the KLA, run a non-racist regime and
respect Yugoslav sovereignty, they immediately appointed the KLA as police and sent them out to engage in genocide (such as the Dragodan Massacre where at least 210 unarmed civilians were murdered by NATO police outside the UK hq; to kidnap thousands of teenage girls to sell to brothels across Europe; to ethnically cleanse 350,000 people and to "arrest" thousands and dissect them while still alive to steal their body organs for western hospitals.

Does anybody at C4 suggest that the Sri Lankan government have done anything 1% as evil as these atrocities?
Does anybody at C4 suggest their government is 1% as "war criminal" as our own?

Does anybody suggest that C4's coverage of both is anything other than deliberate and almost complete censorship of atrocities more obscene, though not numerically equal, than Hitler's?
Does anybody at C4 suggest that you did not deliberately lie to promote and then censor genocide?
Does anybody at C4 deny that you have continued to censor and lie to promote the racial programme of Adolf Hitler in the region?  Every single day over the last 14 years.

In which case can there be any suggestion that we should believe a single word you are saying about Sri Lanka, let alone what you imply (but do not say) with the usual cynical pictures of crying women, are in any way true, this time round.

UPDATE Monday noon

Somewhat to my surprise the post has just appeared.

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