Friday, May 27, 2011

This takes us back 4 major criminal wars ago. Since NATO bombed the Bosnian Serbs to enforce their "creation" of an apartheid Moslem Nazi statelet they have had another criminal war against Yugoslavia to grab Kosovo for the collection of drug lords, sex slavers, and organleggers NATO hired to portray genocidal freedom fighters and later appointed as police to dissect living people on NATO's behalf; then they had the Iraq occupation, justified on the WMD lie; now we have a war on the basis of UN approval (an approval their charter specifically says they cannot authorise) to prevent the killing of civilians being used to .Even by the standards of the later 2 the wars against Yugoslavia were pure Nazi war crimes. Both were before the internet became omnipresent so the mainstream media had little competition to prevent them telling absolutely any lie to support what they knew to wars of deliberate racial genocide to promote Germany's continuing Nazi hatreds.
Unfortunately Ratko seems very unwell and will probably not be able to put up the spirited counter attack that both Milosevic and have made. In 4 1/2 years of so called "trial" the sole evidence the NATO funded "court" produced against him was when US general and Democrat Presidential nominee Wesley Clark said that at an international conference Milosevic had privately taken him aside and for no reason confessed to to the "Srebrenica massacre". I don't think you have to be overly cynical to conclude that Clark was a lying, perjuring, genocidal, Nazi piece of filth and clearly Democrat Presidential timbre. A few weeks ago Paddy Ashdown was on Question Time where he said that Osama should have been taken alive and brought to trial as |Milosevic gad done because he sees such "trials" as a matter of principle.What he failed to mention (and neither did Dimbleby) was that this principled Nazi perjured himself in that "trial" to try and "convict" an innocent man - having claimed to see 2 villages being ethnically cleansed (they weren't) from a spot on the border they couldn't be seen from. Such is the judicial corruption of this NATO funded "court" where 2 of Milosevic's "judges" were British, as was the prosecutor that every single British judge who is not personally a wholly corrupt, lying, thieving Nazi animal has publicly denounced the process - that makes none of the.
The complete lack of evidence against Milosevic combined with his ability to prove, time and again, that it was the NATO powers & their (ex-)Nazi allies whom were guilty of war crimes made a credible guilty verdict impossible. Milosevic was then poisoned, continuously over a long period of time, with rifampicin, which appeared to be an undetectable poison. Despite the limited number of suspects, bearing in mind that he was in solitary confinement in NATO's jail in the Hague, being cared for by ICTY staff mainly taken from the CIA and Britain's SIS the Dutch police decided that murder was not something they wished to investigate. This also deprived Milosevic of the chance to re-examine Asgdown, also formerly of the SIS, on his perjury.
The Radovan Karadzic "trial" has, if anything, gone even worse. 3 years later the prosecution case hasn't yet finished and not only has not one of them laid a glove on him but he has got a number of prosecution witnesses to acknowledge that it was the Moslem Nazis, not the Serbs, who started the war and who intended genocide and got others to so contradict themselves that there is no possible doubt they were lying.. Indeed in their eagerness to convict him one of the documents the Moslem Nazi government submitted and Karadzic noticed, was a, fairly specifically, a direct order to mass murder civilians. Fortunately for the prosecution the judge refused to allow it as evidence. In such circumstances a real court would immediately dismiss all charges - when ge gets on to his own witnesses they may wish they had, but murdering 2 men they can't convict might seem a little to difficult to ignore.
Also the world is not the "uni-polar" hegemony it used to be and it is not as easy as it used to be for NATO to ignore Russia, China, India and even Brazil when bombing small countries. Add to that the fact that it is now known by everybody except those reliant on our media and accepted by the Council of Europe, that the obscene monsters we appointed as police in Kosovo were allowed/authorised to dissect at least 1,300 innocent civilians, while still alive, to provide organs for western hospitals and that these police, now nominally a puppet government, are still doing it with the total support of NATO. This is a crime even Hitler didn't descend to. Whatever one says about Gaddafi nobody remotely honest can claim he is 1,000th as evil as our genocidal "police" or the panoply of NATO leaders who held command authority over them.
The "charges", such as they are, against both Karadzic and Mladic largely come down to (1) besieging Sarajevo and (20 the alleged "Srbreniska massacre".
The former is inherent in there being a war. If Serbs are "guilty" of preventing the enemy marching through their lines then equally the Moslems and the Croats are equally guilty yet they face no similar charges. In fact the Moslems and Croats were infinitely more culpable because the Serb objective was simply to retain their right to live in the areas where they were a majority and ultimately for those areas to be allowed to remain part of the Yugoslav nation they had belonged to. The objective of the Moslem leader Alia Izetbegovic, was infinitely nastier. If the BBC is in any way whatsoever to be trusted then Izetbegovic was a "moderate Moslem committed to a democratic, multicultural state". In fact he was a ex-Nazi, in his youth an auxiliary of the SS Handzar Division, a unit so murderous that even other SS officers complained to Berlin that it was bringing dishonour on the reputation of the SS and it was ultimately transferred to Russia. Nor was he repentant of his Nazism - shortly before taking power he had published his Islamic declaration "there can be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic social and political institutions" which leaves no other option but open genocide. Of course the BBC and all British journalists knew this but the government wanted them to lie so they lied. Another accusation over Sarajevo is of sniping at civilians and 3 market place mortarings. In fact the most enthusiastic snipers of Sarajevo's residents, not all of whom were Moslem, were our Moslem Nazi allies, in the knowledge that this would produce pictures, no questions asked, for the evening news - on one occasion the French peacekeepers stopped this by telling Izetbegovic that they would start counter fire against the snipers in his party HQ building if he didn't stop. It stopped, our media dutifully censored any mention and in due course it started again. There were also 3 alleged market place mortarings which the western powers (& their "court") blamed on the Serbs. In fact in the first 2 cases the fall of shot pattern showed they must have come from inside the Moslem Nazi lines. In the 3rd case nobody actually saw any bombing. The bodies were found in autopsy, to have been dead long before the alleged but unheard explosion. Shortly before there had been a short cease fire and exchange of bodies which the Nazis used to set up this fraud.
Throughout our media knew that the Moslems were open Nazis who make bin Laden look moderate (he never claimed to wish to kill the majority of the population of his own country), but they have a cushy job which you don't keep if you aren't willing to tell absolutely any lie the government want. Incidentally, our then employee bin Laden provided most of the Mujaheddin fighters the "Bosnia & Hercegovinian nation" depended on - flown in by the US. This is confirmed by one of the very few honest British journalists testifying at the Milosevic "trial" that bin Laden had been ushered into the presidential office - at which point to outraged judge disallowed questioning.
Regarding the "Srebrenica massacre" - there certainly was a massacre. At least 3,800 Serb villagers, mostly women, children and old people because the men were in the army. in surrounding villages were deliberately murdered, many beheaded- an act of deliberate genocide - by the forces of the Moslem Nazi commander. Much of these murders were done after Dutch NATO "peacekeepers", who as part of the peace deal claimed to have disarmed the Nazis, instead allowed them through NATO lines to carry out their genocidal raids. Despite the fact that General Morrillion, the ranking NATO officer in Bosnia, testified to this in the Milosevic "trial", Nasir Oric the Moslem Nazi leader was never charged for this, though he did spend a few months in jail for other atrocities before returning to run his "nightclub".A number of the Dutch ordinary soldiers have offered to testify for Karadzic when the "trial" gets round to his defence, which may be part of the reason the "trial" is going slowly.
Although numerous, widely varying figures have been given of Moslems allegedly killed after the subsequent capture of Srebrenica only 1900 bodies have been found, many of them near where the Serbs, whose bodies are officially unidentified, were murdered. Considering that of the garrison numbered at the time as 7,500 - 7,000 are now known to have reached Moslem lines (including Orac), many hundreds of allegedly dead have been spotted on current voters roles while anything up to 11,000 are officially killed the paucity of bodies is amazing. Indeed apart from these, far to few, bodies there is virtually no evidence for this alleged massacre except the word of the Moslem Nazi President Izetbegovic - who said it shortly after the US " Clinton said that if there were 5000 casualties, he could intervene. So Izetbegovic produced the myth of the Srebrenica Massacre of 8000 and Clinton bombed Serbia."
None of this is seriously questionable. The facts are all as stated and proven beyond reasonable doubt. It is just that all the NATO leaders, eager to placate our German allies, who have a visceral racial hatred of Serbs for playing a decisive role in stopping them in 2 world wars, were personally and deliberate participants in war crimes and genocide. Eb=very last one of them is an obscene, murdering Nazi war criminal who, if the law were enforced as it was at Nuremberg, would dangle at the end of a rope. In the same way almost every western journalist at the time knowingly participated in these obscenities. Every judge who did not object to the perversion of "courts" is also complicit. When you are guilty of murder, on a level of evil, though not pure numbers, to match anything Hitler did what do you do. The temptation is to blame the victim and say of Mladic's arrest “It serves as a warning to members of regimes around the world who are or may be considering committing crimes against humanity. They were reminded yesterday that they will not be able to hide from the long arm of justice. There is no expiry date on such terrible crimes and international justice will pursue them wherever they may be." and hope that it does not apply to them.
Other threads about these events are available on the Yugoslavia annual section on my index.
I will be sending a much shortened version of this (ubder 25%) as a letter inviting them to cut more if they wish. I don't think it would be realistic tom hope for any part of the British or American press to report more than 25% of the truth and even 1/8th is probably pretty optimistic. We shall see.
Labels: BBC, International politics, Yugoslavia
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For a very straight, independent debunking of the Srebrenica genocide myth, Google
Major General Lewis Mackenzie Srebrenica
This Canadian general tells a straightforward story of UN incompetence and atrocities on both sides. I hade the opportunity of discussing his account with James Bissett, the Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia at the time and he confirmed the general's account.
The Muslim Commander, Nasir Oric, was originally found guilty of responsibility for some atrocities and given a very short sentence because of his co-operation with the Hague court. Having been released, he was successful in being acquitted on appeal. NATO/EU wished to rehabilitate him for a political career in their client Bosnian state.
Major General Lewis Mackenzie Srebrenica
This Canadian general tells a straightforward story of UN incompetence and atrocities on both sides. I hade the opportunity of discussing his account with James Bissett, the Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia at the time and he confirmed the general's account.
The Muslim Commander, Nasir Oric, was originally found guilty of responsibility for some atrocities and given a very short sentence because of his co-operation with the Hague court. Having been released, he was successful in being acquitted on appeal. NATO/EU wished to rehabilitate him for a political career in their client Bosnian state.
"5,000 Muslim Lives for Military Intervention"
(Bosnian moslem newspaper) Dani, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, June 22 1998
Interview with Hakija Meholjic (Moslem), president of Social Democratic Party for Srebrenica, by (Dani reporter) Hasan Hadzic (Moslem)
Hakija Meholjic: We were received there by President Izetbegovic, and immediately after the welcome he asked us: "What do you think about the swap of Srebrenica for Vogosca [a Sarajevo suburb]?" There was a silence for a while and then I said: "Mr. President, if this is a done thing, then you should not have invited us here, because we have to return and face the people and personally accept the burden of that decision."
Hasan Hadzic: So you rejected Izetbegovic's decision?
Hakija Meholjic: We rejected it without any discussion. Then he (Izetbegovic) said:
"You know, I was offered by Clinton in April 1993 (after the fall of Cerska and Konjevic Polje) that the Chetnik forces enter Srebrenica, carry out a slaughter of 5,000 Muslims, and then there will be a military intervention." Our delegation was composed of nine people, one among us was from Bratunac and unfortunately he is the only one not alive now, but all the others from the delegation are alive and can confirm this.
(Bosnian moslem newspaper) Dani, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, June 22 1998
Interview with Hakija Meholjic (Moslem), president of Social Democratic Party for Srebrenica, by (Dani reporter) Hasan Hadzic (Moslem)
Hakija Meholjic: We were received there by President Izetbegovic, and immediately after the welcome he asked us: "What do you think about the swap of Srebrenica for Vogosca [a Sarajevo suburb]?" There was a silence for a while and then I said: "Mr. President, if this is a done thing, then you should not have invited us here, because we have to return and face the people and personally accept the burden of that decision."
Hasan Hadzic: So you rejected Izetbegovic's decision?
Hakija Meholjic: We rejected it without any discussion. Then he (Izetbegovic) said:
"You know, I was offered by Clinton in April 1993 (after the fall of Cerska and Konjevic Polje) that the Chetnik forces enter Srebrenica, carry out a slaughter of 5,000 Muslims, and then there will be a military intervention." Our delegation was composed of nine people, one among us was from Bratunac and unfortunately he is the only one not alive now, but all the others from the delegation are alive and can confirm this.
In a January 18th, 1999 interview with (Bosnian Moslem newspaper) 'DANI', Nesib Buric, former member of an ARBiH (Moslem) battalion stationed in Srebrenica, and now Deputy Mayor for Social Security of War Veterans and Disabled Persons in Srebrenica, clearly summed-up the perspective of the local Srebrenica (Moslem) faction within the ARBiH:
"Humane Transfer of Population"
Dani, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, January 18 1999
by Hasan Hadzic (Moslem reporter)
Nesib Buric: "I know that they are now trying to humiliate people from Srebrenica and spread rumors that we supposedly did not fight and were slain while running away from Srebrenica. No one can deny that in the Srebrenica municipality there are 2,000 buried fighters. No one can deny that we set up a large free territory. However, without assistance from outside we could not hold out for long surrounded by the enemy. You can write that I absolutely support the statement by Hakija Meholjic that we were betrayed. Why does not someone refute his assertions with arguments? Instead they are using slander and saying that Hakija was like this and like that. Hakija was among the first people in Srebrenica to pick up a rifle and work on the organization of the resistance. Therefore, he has the right to speak up. Ibran Mustafic and those women do not have the right to make lists for the Hague Tribunal. They do not have any evidence for that. In Srebrenica, Ibran refused to fight and lead a brigade, but turned to his prewar flirt with politics. As far as Hakija is concerned, you can write that every single child from Srebrenica agrees with his statement."
Original text in Serbo-Croatian can be read at http://www.bhdani.com/arhiva/1999/93/tekst393.htm
In short the Islamist veterans from Srebrenica make a three-fold claim, that:
1) A high-level political decision was made between the leadership in Sarajevo and the Clinton Administration on the fate of the Srebrenica enclave,
2) That the ARBiH militants in the enclave were betrayed by the Izetbegovic regime during the critical days in mid-June 1995 when the enclave was recaptured by the Bosnian Serb army, and that
3) Those killed in Srebrenica were ARBiH soldiers who died during firefights while defending their positions, not fleeing civilians.
"Humane Transfer of Population"
Dani, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, January 18 1999
by Hasan Hadzic (Moslem reporter)
Nesib Buric: "I know that they are now trying to humiliate people from Srebrenica and spread rumors that we supposedly did not fight and were slain while running away from Srebrenica. No one can deny that in the Srebrenica municipality there are 2,000 buried fighters. No one can deny that we set up a large free territory. However, without assistance from outside we could not hold out for long surrounded by the enemy. You can write that I absolutely support the statement by Hakija Meholjic that we were betrayed. Why does not someone refute his assertions with arguments? Instead they are using slander and saying that Hakija was like this and like that. Hakija was among the first people in Srebrenica to pick up a rifle and work on the organization of the resistance. Therefore, he has the right to speak up. Ibran Mustafic and those women do not have the right to make lists for the Hague Tribunal. They do not have any evidence for that. In Srebrenica, Ibran refused to fight and lead a brigade, but turned to his prewar flirt with politics. As far as Hakija is concerned, you can write that every single child from Srebrenica agrees with his statement."
Original text in Serbo-Croatian can be read at http://www.bhdani.com/arhiva/1999/93/tekst393.htm
In short the Islamist veterans from Srebrenica make a three-fold claim, that:
1) A high-level political decision was made between the leadership in Sarajevo and the Clinton Administration on the fate of the Srebrenica enclave,
2) That the ARBiH militants in the enclave were betrayed by the Izetbegovic regime during the critical days in mid-June 1995 when the enclave was recaptured by the Bosnian Serb army, and that
3) Those killed in Srebrenica were ARBiH soldiers who died during firefights while defending their positions, not fleeing civilians.
In a January 18th, 1999 interview with (Bosnian Moslem newspaper) 'DANI', Nesib Buric, former member of an ARBiH (Moslem) battalion stationed in Srebrenica, and now Deputy Mayor for Social Security of War Veterans and Disabled Persons in Srebrenica, clearly summed-up the perspective of the local Srebrenica (Moslem) faction within the ARBiH:
"Humane Transfer of Population"
Dani, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, January 18 1999
by Hasan Hadzic (Moslem reporter)
Nesib Buric: "I know that they are now trying to humiliate people from Srebrenica and spread rumors that we supposedly did not fight and were slain while running away from Srebrenica. No one can deny that in the Srebrenica municipality there are 2,000 buried fighters. No one can deny that we set up a large free territory. However, without assistance from outside we could not hold out for long surrounded by the enemy. You can write that I absolutely support the statement by Hakija Meholjic that we were betrayed. Why does not someone refute his assertions with arguments? Instead they are using slander and saying that Hakija was like this and like that. Hakija was among the first people in Srebrenica to pick up a rifle and work on the organization of the resistance. Therefore, he has the right to speak up. Ibran Mustafic and those women do not have the right to make lists for the Hague Tribunal. They do not have any evidence for that. In Srebrenica, Ibran refused to fight and lead a brigade, but turned to his prewar flirt with politics. As far as Hakija is concerned, you can write that every single child from Srebrenica agrees with his statement."
Original text in Serbo-Croatian can be read at http://www.bhdani.com/arhiva/1999/93/tekst393.htm
In short the Islamist veterans from Srebrenica make a three-fold claim, that:
1) A high-level political decision was made between the leadership in Sarajevo and the Clinton Administration on the fate of the Srebrenica enclave,
2) That the ARBiH militants in the enclave were betrayed by the Izetbegovic regime during the critical days in mid-June 1995 when the enclave was recaptured by the Bosnian Serb army, and that
3) Those killed in Srebrenica were ARBiH soldiers who died during firefights while defending their positions, not fleeing civilians.
"Humane Transfer of Population"
Dani, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, January 18 1999
by Hasan Hadzic (Moslem reporter)
Nesib Buric: "I know that they are now trying to humiliate people from Srebrenica and spread rumors that we supposedly did not fight and were slain while running away from Srebrenica. No one can deny that in the Srebrenica municipality there are 2,000 buried fighters. No one can deny that we set up a large free territory. However, without assistance from outside we could not hold out for long surrounded by the enemy. You can write that I absolutely support the statement by Hakija Meholjic that we were betrayed. Why does not someone refute his assertions with arguments? Instead they are using slander and saying that Hakija was like this and like that. Hakija was among the first people in Srebrenica to pick up a rifle and work on the organization of the resistance. Therefore, he has the right to speak up. Ibran Mustafic and those women do not have the right to make lists for the Hague Tribunal. They do not have any evidence for that. In Srebrenica, Ibran refused to fight and lead a brigade, but turned to his prewar flirt with politics. As far as Hakija is concerned, you can write that every single child from Srebrenica agrees with his statement."
Original text in Serbo-Croatian can be read at http://www.bhdani.com/arhiva/1999/93/tekst393.htm
In short the Islamist veterans from Srebrenica make a three-fold claim, that:
1) A high-level political decision was made between the leadership in Sarajevo and the Clinton Administration on the fate of the Srebrenica enclave,
2) That the ARBiH militants in the enclave were betrayed by the Izetbegovic regime during the critical days in mid-June 1995 when the enclave was recaptured by the Bosnian Serb army, and that
3) Those killed in Srebrenica were ARBiH soldiers who died during firefights while defending their positions, not fleeing civilians.
That 2,000 dead in the combat in the previous months fits fairly well with the 1900 bodies found - it is a little larger than would be expected and possibly fits better with the 3,800 Serb cibilians known to have been murdered. Another 7-11,000 claimed by the fascist powers obviously does not.
Correct. If the moslem side claims 2,000 fighters killed in battle in Srebrenica during the previous months and assuming this is true and the Western establishment say they have found 1,900 bodies so far (lets assume they were all identified as moslems) then that fits fairly well as you pointed out.
The 3,800 Serbian civilians massacred on the other hand in surrounding villages from the beginning of the war in April '92 until July '95 would obviously be ignored.
It's interesting to go back to these original newspaper articles from the moslem side to see how the Western political and media establishment made pathological lying into an art form.
The 3,800 Serbian civilians massacred on the other hand in surrounding villages from the beginning of the war in April '92 until July '95 would obviously be ignored.
It's interesting to go back to these original newspaper articles from the moslem side to see how the Western political and media establishment made pathological lying into an art form.
Take this article for example from the moslem side. It's no surprise that the Serbs incarcerated at The Hague end up dying of supposed "heart attacks" and "suicide" while under 24/7 video surveillance:
"Presidency and Army Command Sacrificed Srebrenica"
(Bosnian moslem newspaper)Slobodna Bosna, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, 7/14/96
Ibran Mustafic, representative in Bosnian and Federal Parliaments, founder of SDA in Srebrenica and the captive of the Serb Army after the fall of this town, talks about the events about which he had unsuccessfully tried to speak in the Bosnian Parliament.
(reporter)Who are the people you accuse and the people you don't trust?
Ibran MustaficScenario for the betrayal of Srebrenica was consciously prepared.
Unfortunately, the Bosnian presidency and the Army command were involved in this business; if you want the names, figure it out yourself. I understood the situation in Srebrenica and, you can trust me on this, had I not been prevented by a group of criminals, many more inhabitants of Srebrenica would be alive today. Had I received an order to attack the Serb army from the demilitarized zone, I would have rejected to carry out that order without thinking and would have asked the person who had issued that order to bring his family to Srebrenica so that I can give him a gun and let him stage attacks from the demilitarized zone. I knew that such shameful, calculated moves were leading my people to a catastrophe. The orders came from Sarajevo and Kakanj.
(reporter)What were the consequences of the attacks staged from the demilitarized zone for the inhabitants of Srebrenica?
Ibran MustaficThat was a conscious giving of a pretext to the Serb forces to attack the demilitarized zone.
reporterWho in Srebrenica accepted to carry out those orders?
Ibran MustaficThose individuals who, in the Summer of 1995, without a scratch left Srebrenica (...). It is well known that that team managed to get out and take with along the elderly, children and horses. I can only thank God, that a number of honest people and patriots managed to get out with them. (...) According to our custom when someone finishes the foundations for a house, an animal must be slaughtered on top of them. It seems that Srebrenica was a sacrificial lamb for the foundation of this state.
(reporter)Do you think that the events would have been different had Srebrenica truly be demilitarized?
Ibran MustaficHad some people then, or later, in 1994 and 1995 accepted to evacuate the people and to concede the territory, that would have represented the public division of Bosnia. It seems that they want to divide this state in a secret, perfidious way.
(reporter)Who are you talking about?
Ibran MustaficAbout the official authorities.
(reporter)Why wasn't then, as you suggest, Srebrenica surrendered in 1993? What was the goal of such "games" with Srebrenica?
Ibran MustaficThe basic goal of that game was the illusionary freedom of Sarajevo and the Bihac region. What hurts the most is the attitude towards the survivors from the Drina valley who were in Srebrenica in July 1995. Present attitude of the authorities towards those people is enough to convince me that the authorities expected that the number of the survivors would be smaller; it seems that the number of survivors is too high for their calculations. They made me say this: "It seems you are afraid of living Srebrenica inhabitants."
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"Presidency and Army Command Sacrificed Srebrenica"
(Bosnian moslem newspaper)Slobodna Bosna, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, 7/14/96
Ibran Mustafic, representative in Bosnian and Federal Parliaments, founder of SDA in Srebrenica and the captive of the Serb Army after the fall of this town, talks about the events about which he had unsuccessfully tried to speak in the Bosnian Parliament.
(reporter)Who are the people you accuse and the people you don't trust?
Ibran MustaficScenario for the betrayal of Srebrenica was consciously prepared.
Unfortunately, the Bosnian presidency and the Army command were involved in this business; if you want the names, figure it out yourself. I understood the situation in Srebrenica and, you can trust me on this, had I not been prevented by a group of criminals, many more inhabitants of Srebrenica would be alive today. Had I received an order to attack the Serb army from the demilitarized zone, I would have rejected to carry out that order without thinking and would have asked the person who had issued that order to bring his family to Srebrenica so that I can give him a gun and let him stage attacks from the demilitarized zone. I knew that such shameful, calculated moves were leading my people to a catastrophe. The orders came from Sarajevo and Kakanj.
(reporter)What were the consequences of the attacks staged from the demilitarized zone for the inhabitants of Srebrenica?
Ibran MustaficThat was a conscious giving of a pretext to the Serb forces to attack the demilitarized zone.
reporterWho in Srebrenica accepted to carry out those orders?
Ibran MustaficThose individuals who, in the Summer of 1995, without a scratch left Srebrenica (...). It is well known that that team managed to get out and take with along the elderly, children and horses. I can only thank God, that a number of honest people and patriots managed to get out with them. (...) According to our custom when someone finishes the foundations for a house, an animal must be slaughtered on top of them. It seems that Srebrenica was a sacrificial lamb for the foundation of this state.
(reporter)Do you think that the events would have been different had Srebrenica truly be demilitarized?
Ibran MustaficHad some people then, or later, in 1994 and 1995 accepted to evacuate the people and to concede the territory, that would have represented the public division of Bosnia. It seems that they want to divide this state in a secret, perfidious way.
(reporter)Who are you talking about?
Ibran MustaficAbout the official authorities.
(reporter)Why wasn't then, as you suggest, Srebrenica surrendered in 1993? What was the goal of such "games" with Srebrenica?
Ibran MustaficThe basic goal of that game was the illusionary freedom of Sarajevo and the Bihac region. What hurts the most is the attitude towards the survivors from the Drina valley who were in Srebrenica in July 1995. Present attitude of the authorities towards those people is enough to convince me that the authorities expected that the number of the survivors would be smaller; it seems that the number of survivors is too high for their calculations. They made me say this: "It seems you are afraid of living Srebrenica inhabitants."
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