Saturday, April 11, 2009

Picture from the Bosnian war but you get the point
De[construct] report on a Newsnight feature on the Kosovo organlegging:
Allegations that the KLA maintained a secret network of prisons in their bases in Kosovo and neighbouring Albania were made on the BBC programmes “Crossing Continents” and “Newsnight,” broadcast April 9. This is probably the first time a major news network has carried out an investigation into the claims which have been largely ignored, even suppressed, for more than a decade. According to “Crossing Continents,” the evidence reveals “another side to the conflict which the world was not supposed to see.”....
Eight former KLA soldiers spoke to Montgomery, some saying they were “disgusted” by the atrocities that took place....Another recounted how he drove trucks packed with shackled prisoners—mainly Serbian civilians—to Albania where they were tortured and killed: “I was sick. I was just waiting for it to end. It was hard. I thought we were fighting a war but this was something completely different.”
...Burrel in the centre of the country, where the KLA operated a barracks [presumably a NATO "police" barracks since as KLA they had officially been disarmed, but this isn't mentioned} Information about terrible activities taking place at Burrel first reached the International Centre for the Red Cross in 2000 {this is the first admission of it being publicly known at that stage, all we had previously is del Ponte's statement that she had had this reported to her by "reliable journalists" which presumably means western MSM} after KLA fighters reported that Serb civilians were taken there in 1999 and their organs removed and sold abroad for transplant operations...
In “Crossing Continents,” former head of UNMIK’s Office for Missing Persons and Forensics Jose Pablo Baraybar explains, “There were people that are certainly alive that were in Kukes, in that camp, as prisoners. Those people saw other people there, both Albanians and non-Albanians. There were members of the KLA leadership going through that camp. Many names were mentioned, and I would say that that is an established fact.”
“I think that the most shocking thing really is that the international community was sent in with responsibility for providing a safe and secure environment in Kosovo and these acts happened right under their noses… it was a massive failure to protect minority communities from human rights abuses when that international community was supposed to protect them.”[again downplaying by censoring the fact the KLA were our official police]
...Last year, Human Rights Watch reported that “Violence, impunity for common and political crimes, intimidation and discrimination are commonplace,” particularly against the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
Baraybar revealed that UNMIK was aware that the KLA operated a “loose network of detention centres” and that there was enough evidence to warrant further enquires, but “no proper investigation was ever carried out.” Since then some of the evidence, Baraybar claims, has been destroyed even though he would have thought well-established “chains of custody” for documents should have prevented that happening.
The article is still a whitewash in 2 ways. Firstly through the fact that despite knowing this for what now appears to be 9 rather than 1 year all the coverage it gets is a few minutes late at night on BBC 2 - were they reporting impartiality this would have had 100 times as much coverage as the entire Gaza war where fewer died & none as cruelly & unusually. Secondly because they tipex over NATO's role - these people were NATO police put in place in a criminal war which every British MP who voted for it & presumably every other national leader, knew to be a war to support NATO organised & armed terrorists engaged in genocide not to prevent non-existent Yugoslav ones. As such every NATO leader is personally an accessory to this & probably every editor & journalist who lied & censored too.
Until we bring these murdering Nazis to trial it is impossible for any other nation to trust any NATO state involved.
UPDATE BBC Radio 4's Crossing Continents was broadcast on Thursday, 9 April, 2009 at 1102 BST and will be repeated on Monday, 13 April, 2009 at 20:30 BST
Friday, April 10, 2009
Once upon back in the golden age money was made of gold & because government couldn't just print more of it there was no inflation. That golden age must have been quite a while ago because even the Roman Emperors used to dilute their coins with ever increasing amounts of lead. Still it would be nice to be able to trust governments a bit more & it is more difficult to inflate with gold than with paper.
To quote J.M. Keynes whose reputation & alleged big government ideas are being dragged around by our leaders to cover their borrow & print "By a continuous process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method, they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some". Keynes was not nearly as good a Keynesian as his followers - this is a common problem affecting all deceased leaders from Jesus to Marx.
The total value of all the gold ever mined would be around $4.5 trillion. This is less than the value of circulating money in the U.S. alone, where more than $7.6 trillion is in circulation or in deposit. Therefore, a return to the gold standard, if also combined with a mandated end to fractional reserve banking, would result in a significant increase in the current value of gold.This is considered a significant disadvantage but it also suggests that the value of the metal is being artificially held down by government policies. There is also another factor. When the supply & demand prices of a good are out of whack a rise in the buying price will lead to an increase of supply thus bringing down the supply price.
If the value of gold went up where would the supply come from. Well it would certainly make more & deeper mining more feasible. However there is an untapped source of metals of all sorts.
I'm not exactly saying we should invest all our money in asteroid gold mining but I am saying (A) it & silver & platinum is going to be one of the many significant pay offs from space & (B) that for those libertarians who oppose X-Prizes or other government funding of space we already see the depression in what we might call the natural price of gold has acted as a disincentive - It seems to me that any distortion of the market encouraging space development by X-Prizes would not be more (& would cost the world hundreds of billions less) than the costs foregone by the fact that gold has not been expensive enough to prompt a space mining rush.

To quote J.M. Keynes whose reputation & alleged big government ideas are being dragged around by our leaders to cover their borrow & print "By a continuous process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method, they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some". Keynes was not nearly as good a Keynesian as his followers - this is a common problem affecting all deceased leaders from Jesus to Marx.
The total value of all the gold ever mined would be around $4.5 trillion. This is less than the value of circulating money in the U.S. alone, where more than $7.6 trillion is in circulation or in deposit. Therefore, a return to the gold standard, if also combined with a mandated end to fractional reserve banking, would result in a significant increase in the current value of gold.This is considered a significant disadvantage but it also suggests that the value of the metal is being artificially held down by government policies. There is also another factor. When the supply & demand prices of a good are out of whack a rise in the buying price will lead to an increase of supply thus bringing down the supply price.
If the value of gold went up where would the supply come from. Well it would certainly make more & deeper mining more feasible. However there is an untapped source of metals of all sorts.
Another example of wealth can be found on an asteroid called Amun, the smallest metallic asteroid of several dozen known. According to Lewis, Amun contains roughly 30 times as much metal as the entire amount of metals mined and processed over the history of humanity.I don't know the exact proportion of gold there but since fold is a very heavy metal we must expect that most of Earth's metal is trapped near the core whereas in an asteroid it will run much commoner.
I'm not exactly saying we should invest all our money in asteroid gold mining but I am saying (A) it & silver & platinum is going to be one of the many significant pay offs from space & (B) that for those libertarians who oppose X-Prizes or other government funding of space we already see the depression in what we might call the natural price of gold has acted as a disincentive - It seems to me that any distortion of the market encouraging space development by X-Prizes would not be more (& would cost the world hundreds of billions less) than the costs foregone by the fact that gold has not been expensive enough to prompt a space mining rush.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
I have been pointed to this BBC online report today on the NATO genocide in Kosovo. From the headline "Kosovo civilian abuses revealed" which usually means touching in inappropriate places not mass murder, it is a tour de force in how to cover yourself while lying. I suspect it is a response to increasing mention of this here & elsewhere. Fisking:
"The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) abducted civilians in Kosovo who were then mistreated and in some cases killed, a BBC investigation has found. In "some cases killed" is a dishonest way of discussing 1,300 people (non-Nato estimates are higher) kidnapped & murdered. If this has been known & reported, even by me, for years it is hardly something the BBC have "found"
Sources told the BBC that Kosovo Serbs, ethnic Albanians and gypsies were among an estimated 2,000 who went missing.
This took place both during and after the war in Kosovo, which ended in June 1999. ie under NATO peacetime occupation. In fact, except near the border most atrocities took place under NATO. "during.. the war" is also equivocal since it could mean during the formal war when NATO was involved but in fact our government admitted knowing that the KLA alone were engaged in atrocities before they decided to help them
Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, the former KLA political director, has rejected the allegations.
Mr Thaci said he was aware that individuals had "abused KLA uniforms" after the war, but said the KLA had distanced itself from such acts.
He added that such abuse was "minimal".
The BBC News investigation also studies claims that some of those held in Albania were killed for their organs, and that physical evidence gathered by UN investigators in Albania was destroyed by the International War Crimes Tribunal. "claims" implies doubt, also "some" implies a small number
A former prisoner of the KLA, an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo who was held in a KLA prison in Kukes, northern Albania, agreed to speak to us on condition of anonymity. His family are terrified for his life.
"They ill-treated people in the corridor," he says. "They also came into the rooms in groups of five or six to question us. And they used knives, guns, and automatic rifles."
His testimony confirms that people of different ethnic backgrounds were kept there, including Serbs.
He told the BBC: "When a person is mistreated... he cries out 'oh mother' in his own language.
"The nights were very quiet, so you could hear them crying out... while they were being beaten, or afterwards."
Sources in Kukes suggest that up to 18 prisoners held at the camp were killed.Again downplaying the extent making it look less like genocide
Just across the border, in Prizren, in western Kosovo, Brankica Antic lights a candle for her husband Zlatko.
A Kosovo Serb, she says he was abducted in July 1999 in Prizren by men in KLA uniforms - six weeks after the end of the war, when Nato-led peacekeepers were well established.
At the Monastery of the Holy Archangel near Prizren, candles are lit for loved ones according to the Serbian Orthodox tradition.
Candles are lit either on the top shelf for the living, or the lower, for the dead. Brankica still lights her candles for Zlatko on the top.
"We always light candles for their health and well-being, and we will continue to do so unless and until their bodies are found, and we know for a fact that they are gone," she says.
Zlatko is one of about 400 Kosovo Serbs who were abducted at the end of the war, and are still missing, according to Family Associations of the Missing in Serbia.
Around 150 are still missing from the war period.
A further 1,500 Kosovo Albanians are still missing from wartime, when Serb security forces carried out many, well-documented atrocities against the majority Albanian population. Simply a lie, treating KLA "witnesses" making claims unsupported by or often contradicted by forensic evidence as "well documented".
Hundreds of bodies were found in mass graves in Serbia. Our investigation shows that KLA fighters, too, were guilty of serious human rights abuses. This seems to be part of the alleged 800-1000 bodies the post Milosevic regime were going to find, with NATO assistance, as part of the Freezer Truck hoax. No convincing evidence has been produced.
Lets rewrite it showing how it could be put without any inaccuracy. I will send a copy to the BBC & ask if they can point to any inaccuracy or misleading statement or manner in which it is biased & will publish if they can find any:
The UCK, made up of Albanian gangsters with NATO weapons, murdered thousands of Serbs & other enemies in a campaign of genocide as the BBC has known but deliberately censored for many years
Sources told the BBC that Kosovo Serbs, ethnic Albanians and gypsies were among an estimated 3,500 murdered & also of the 350,000 ethnically cleansed under NATO control.
This took place both before during and after the war in Kosovo. The large majority took place under the NATO occupation after NATO took the UCK under their direct control & enrolled them en masse as police.
NATO appointed "Prime Minister" in the regime, whose existence is illegal under international law, Hashim Thaci, known as "Snake" when he was a terrorist leader was dismissive.
He said such abuse was "minimal".
The BBC News investigation also censors an admission by the chief prosecutor of the NATO funded "War Crimes Tribunal" that all those held in Albania were killed for their organs, which were flown to western countries which western investigators have declined to name and that physical evidence gathered by UN funded investigators in Albania was destroyed by the NATO controlled International War Crimes Tribunal.
A former prisoner of the KLA, an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo who was held in a KLA prison in Kukes, northern Albania, agreed to speak to us on condition of anonymity. His family are terrified for his life.
"They ill-treated people in the corridor," he says. "They also came into the rooms in groups of five or six to question us. And they used knives, guns, and automatic rifles."
His testimony confirms that people of different ethnic backgrounds were kept there, including Serbs.
He told the BBC: "When a person is mistreated... he cries out 'oh mother' in his own language.
"The nights were very quiet, so you could hear them crying out... while they were being beaten, or afterwards."
Sources in Kukes suggest that up to 18 prisoners held at the camp were killed.
Just across the border, in Prizren, in western Kosovo, Brankica Antic lights a candle for her husband Zlatko.
A Kosovo Serb, she says he was abducted in July 1999 in Prizren by men in KLA uniforms - six weeks after the end of the war, when Nato-led peacekeepers were in full legal control as part of an agreement under which they had guaranteed to disarm the KLA & establish peaceful & non-racist rule.
At the Monastery of the Holy Archangel near Prizren, candles are lit for loved ones according to the Serbian Orthodox tradition.
Candles are lit either on the top shelf for the living, or the lower, for the dead. Brankica still lights her candles for Zlatko on the top.
"We always light candles for their health and well-being, and we will continue to do so unless and until their bodies are found, and we know for a fact that they are gone," she says.
Zlatko is one of about 3,500 Kosovo Serbs who were abducted at the end of the war, and are still missing, according to Family Associations of the Missing in Serbia.
KLA & Bosnian Nazi terrorists have regularly claimed the Serbs killed civilians too though there are a many cases of named "victims" being found alive & denying it in both Kosovo & Bosnia.
Hundreds of bodies were found in mass graves in Kosovo, of which the largest was at Dragodan, beside the British military HQ. Hundreds of bodies have been recovered from it, many of them proven to have been alive when NATO took control. The BBC has known, since the Foreign Secretary admitted it to Parliament 2 months before the war, that the NATO armed KLA alone, was engaged in a campaign of genocide & have unanimously lied & censored to promote this racial genocide for over 10 years.
"The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) abducted civilians in Kosovo who were then mistreated and in some cases killed, a BBC investigation has found. In "some cases killed" is a dishonest way of discussing 1,300 people (non-Nato estimates are higher) kidnapped & murdered. If this has been known & reported, even by me, for years it is hardly something the BBC have "found"
Sources told the BBC that Kosovo Serbs, ethnic Albanians and gypsies were among an estimated 2,000 who went missing.
This took place both during and after the war in Kosovo, which ended in June 1999. ie under NATO peacetime occupation. In fact, except near the border most atrocities took place under NATO. "during.. the war" is also equivocal since it could mean during the formal war when NATO was involved but in fact our government admitted knowing that the KLA alone were engaged in atrocities before they decided to help them
Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, the former KLA political director, has rejected the allegations.
Mr Thaci said he was aware that individuals had "abused KLA uniforms" after the war, but said the KLA had distanced itself from such acts.
He added that such abuse was "minimal".
The BBC News investigation also studies claims that some of those held in Albania were killed for their organs, and that physical evidence gathered by UN investigators in Albania was destroyed by the International War Crimes Tribunal. "claims" implies doubt, also "some" implies a small number
A former prisoner of the KLA, an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo who was held in a KLA prison in Kukes, northern Albania, agreed to speak to us on condition of anonymity. His family are terrified for his life.
"They ill-treated people in the corridor," he says. "They also came into the rooms in groups of five or six to question us. And they used knives, guns, and automatic rifles."
His testimony confirms that people of different ethnic backgrounds were kept there, including Serbs.
He told the BBC: "When a person is mistreated... he cries out 'oh mother' in his own language.
"The nights were very quiet, so you could hear them crying out... while they were being beaten, or afterwards."
Sources in Kukes suggest that up to 18 prisoners held at the camp were killed.Again downplaying the extent making it look less like genocide
Just across the border, in Prizren, in western Kosovo, Brankica Antic lights a candle for her husband Zlatko.
A Kosovo Serb, she says he was abducted in July 1999 in Prizren by men in KLA uniforms - six weeks after the end of the war, when Nato-led peacekeepers were well established.
At the Monastery of the Holy Archangel near Prizren, candles are lit for loved ones according to the Serbian Orthodox tradition.
Candles are lit either on the top shelf for the living, or the lower, for the dead. Brankica still lights her candles for Zlatko on the top.
"We always light candles for their health and well-being, and we will continue to do so unless and until their bodies are found, and we know for a fact that they are gone," she says.
Zlatko is one of about 400 Kosovo Serbs who were abducted at the end of the war, and are still missing, according to Family Associations of the Missing in Serbia.
Around 150 are still missing from the war period.
A further 1,500 Kosovo Albanians are still missing from wartime, when Serb security forces carried out many, well-documented atrocities against the majority Albanian population. Simply a lie, treating KLA "witnesses" making claims unsupported by or often contradicted by forensic evidence as "well documented".
Hundreds of bodies were found in mass graves in Serbia. Our investigation shows that KLA fighters, too, were guilty of serious human rights abuses. This seems to be part of the alleged 800-1000 bodies the post Milosevic regime were going to find, with NATO assistance, as part of the Freezer Truck hoax. No convincing evidence has been produced.
Lets rewrite it showing how it could be put without any inaccuracy. I will send a copy to the BBC & ask if they can point to any inaccuracy or misleading statement or manner in which it is biased & will publish if they can find any:
The UCK, made up of Albanian gangsters with NATO weapons, murdered thousands of Serbs & other enemies in a campaign of genocide as the BBC has known but deliberately censored for many years
Sources told the BBC that Kosovo Serbs, ethnic Albanians and gypsies were among an estimated 3,500 murdered & also of the 350,000 ethnically cleansed under NATO control.
This took place both before during and after the war in Kosovo. The large majority took place under the NATO occupation after NATO took the UCK under their direct control & enrolled them en masse as police.
NATO appointed "Prime Minister" in the regime, whose existence is illegal under international law, Hashim Thaci, known as "Snake" when he was a terrorist leader was dismissive.
He said such abuse was "minimal".
The BBC News investigation also censors an admission by the chief prosecutor of the NATO funded "War Crimes Tribunal" that all those held in Albania were killed for their organs, which were flown to western countries which western investigators have declined to name and that physical evidence gathered by UN funded investigators in Albania was destroyed by the NATO controlled International War Crimes Tribunal.
A former prisoner of the KLA, an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo who was held in a KLA prison in Kukes, northern Albania, agreed to speak to us on condition of anonymity. His family are terrified for his life.
"They ill-treated people in the corridor," he says. "They also came into the rooms in groups of five or six to question us. And they used knives, guns, and automatic rifles."
His testimony confirms that people of different ethnic backgrounds were kept there, including Serbs.
He told the BBC: "When a person is mistreated... he cries out 'oh mother' in his own language.
"The nights were very quiet, so you could hear them crying out... while they were being beaten, or afterwards."
Sources in Kukes suggest that up to 18 prisoners held at the camp were killed.
Just across the border, in Prizren, in western Kosovo, Brankica Antic lights a candle for her husband Zlatko.
A Kosovo Serb, she says he was abducted in July 1999 in Prizren by men in KLA uniforms - six weeks after the end of the war, when Nato-led peacekeepers were in full legal control as part of an agreement under which they had guaranteed to disarm the KLA & establish peaceful & non-racist rule.
At the Monastery of the Holy Archangel near Prizren, candles are lit for loved ones according to the Serbian Orthodox tradition.
Candles are lit either on the top shelf for the living, or the lower, for the dead. Brankica still lights her candles for Zlatko on the top.
"We always light candles for their health and well-being, and we will continue to do so unless and until their bodies are found, and we know for a fact that they are gone," she says.
Zlatko is one of about 3,500 Kosovo Serbs who were abducted at the end of the war, and are still missing, according to Family Associations of the Missing in Serbia.
KLA & Bosnian Nazi terrorists have regularly claimed the Serbs killed civilians too though there are a many cases of named "victims" being found alive & denying it in both Kosovo & Bosnia.
Hundreds of bodies were found in mass graves in Kosovo, of which the largest was at Dragodan, beside the British military HQ. Hundreds of bodies have been recovered from it, many of them proven to have been alive when NATO took control. The BBC has known, since the Foreign Secretary admitted it to Parliament 2 months before the war, that the NATO armed KLA alone, was engaged in a campaign of genocide & have unanimously lied & censored to promote this racial genocide for over 10 years.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Yesterday Radio Scotland's Newsdrive informed us about the Irish economy. Apparently it is in deep trouble with a massive deficit & recession. Not like here then. The thing that really got the BBC is that Ireland was going against "international opinion" by cutting spending to reduce the deficit. Something that, with their duty to uphold the British government as wonderful, seemed very strange to them. In exasperation at the question "we are they doing it that way" I emailed
Of course had I been inclined I could have taken longer to go into detail about why spending more than you have & borrowing as much as possible indeed isn't what sensible people do, & that the international community doesn't agree with Gordon & Obama on kiting cheques either. For example Putin says "Excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state's omnipotence is another possible mistake...Nor should we turn a blind eye to the fact that the spirit of free enterprise, including the principle of personal responsibility of businesspeople, investors and shareholders for their decisions, is being eroded in the last few months. There is no reason to believe that we can achieve better results by shifting responsibility onto the state...The unjustified swelling of the budgetary deficit and the accumulation of public debts are just as destructive as adventurous" which makes the ex-KGB operative infinitely less socialistic (& far more honest) than Gordo & the BBC.
I suspect had I put in that longer post it would not have been read out - call it a hunch.
Strangely enough online they are slightly less committed
"Ireland - why are they doing it that way";which got read out with the amused remark that the BBC don't spin & that nobody in the BBC knows him well enough to call him Gordo.
Because they are sensible
& of course it is only BBC spin that all the other countries agree with Gordo in the advantages of borrowing & spending.
Of course had I been inclined I could have taken longer to go into detail about why spending more than you have & borrowing as much as possible indeed isn't what sensible people do, & that the international community doesn't agree with Gordon & Obama on kiting cheques either. For example Putin says "Excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state's omnipotence is another possible mistake...Nor should we turn a blind eye to the fact that the spirit of free enterprise, including the principle of personal responsibility of businesspeople, investors and shareholders for their decisions, is being eroded in the last few months. There is no reason to believe that we can achieve better results by shifting responsibility onto the state...The unjustified swelling of the budgetary deficit and the accumulation of public debts are just as destructive as adventurous" which makes the ex-KGB operative infinitely less socialistic (& far more honest) than Gordo & the BBC.
I suspect had I put in that longer post it would not have been read out - call it a hunch.
Strangely enough online they are slightly less committed
"There's method to his madness. And also some lessons for the UK."Proof that, even when it is the same people Online is an intrinsically more thoughtful medium (& one where your words are remembered).
"The first lesson is that, if you're lurching further and further into debt, there comes a point when fiscal stimulus isn't very stimulating at all."
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Channel 4, the 2nd British broadcaster owned by the state & paid out of taxation, have quite promptly responded to my recent query about whether they intended to balance the recent Al Gore lies with a similar lecture from the other side or even a debate between both sides. Also making a comparison with the Yugoslav coverage. Note that they use the fact that they broadcast Durkin's Great Global Warming Swindle over 2 years ago as their sole evidence of impartiality. Apart from the fact that in terms of accuracy there is no comparison it is an interesting example of using a very small amount of dissent as a shield against accusations of censorship. Essentially they are saying C4 may be 99.75% (assuming 1 programme & 2 news items a week pushing alarmism) state propagandists but not 100%. Highlights added.
Thank you for contacting Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries regarding ANI replied pointing out
We are sorry to hear that you feel this film should not have been shown as
you consider it to be lies and propaganda.
Channel 4 has always been interested in environmental issues and the climate
change debate. Al Gore?s Oscar winning film has been most of the most
influential factors in that public debate. The Great Global Warming Swindle
broadcast by Channel 4 also made an important and legitimate contribution to
the debate by presenting alternative, opposing views to the consensus view
on the subject
Nevertheless, please be assured your complaint has been noted and logged for
the information of those responsible for our programming.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. We appreciate all
feedback from our viewers; complimentary or otherwise.
Sally Smith
Please reread what I said. I actively did not say that it should not have been shown because it was lies. In fact what I said wasThey answered
"I do not dispute the propriety of C4 showing this farrago of lies because it is important that you put alternative views."
And went on to say that, for the same reason apart from the lies, you should broadcast other alternatives like the 3 specifically suggested. Also that decisions to broadcast should not be prevented merely because the material is truthful, as the last review of the subject you mention, Great Global Warming Swindle (broadcast March 2007) certainly was. It is quite right that it be broadcast, even though full of lies, so long as at least equal time is given to broadcasting the truth.
Please could you answer my question on when you will be broadcasting a lecture by a much more qualified sceptic; or a formal debate on the subject; or indeed the documentary on the Yugoslav bombing which would also be "an important and legitimate contribution to the debate" albeit a different debate.
I await your answer with interest. I am very interested to see if C4 really is as interested in contributions to debate, even factual debate, as it appears to be to broadcasting government supported propaganda.
Thank you again for contacting us regarding AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH.I replied
Please be assured that all your comments and complaint have been logged and
distributed throughout Channel 4 for the attention of the programmes.
There are no plans to produce or broadcast other documentaries on this
subject or the Yugoslav bombing, but your suggestions have been logged
throughout the Channel for those responsible for commissioning and producing
our documentaries.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. We appreciate all
feedback from our viewers; complimentary or otherwise.
Jessicka Burton
Could you double check that, because obviously it would be impossible for C4 to ever claim to be other than a fascist propaganda organisation on this subject deliberately promoting lies if you were not to allow equal time some sort of truthful broadcasting on the subject to match the, court proven, lies of Mr Gore.To which they said
Regrettably I am less surprised that you have no plans to allow "an important and legitimate contribution to the debate by presenting" facts about the Yugoslav bombing. I do not dispute that on this subject C4 are indeed a fascist propaganda organisation.
For the record can you confirm that C4 intend to continue their current monolithic censorship of any mention whatsoever of the 1,300 Serb teenagers kidnapped by our "police" & dissected, while still alive to sell their body organs to our doctors. Also of the Dragodan Massacre, which, while similar to the My Lai Massacre takes place in an era when the MSM are willing to censor such atrocities.
I await your response with interest since I would genuinely like to know if there are any circumstances whatsoever in which C4 will even attempt higher journalistic standards than those of the late Dr Goebbels.
we regret that we are unable toNote that state owned C4 cannot even make a token attempt to deny that censoring to support genocide is their policy.
enter into any further correspondence on this subject.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Some time ago I did a post on one of the people involved in expelling me from the LiBDems being herself purged. This brought up a certain amount of discussion on another blog which is fairly long but, since it involved discussion with Norman Fraser, the guy who made up the charges on which I was expelled.
The charge Norman wrote against me was primarily about letters I had had published in the Scottish press, all on traditional liberal low tax & low regulation lines or about the need for nuclear power to keep the lights on or about items on my blog primarily on the same lines, though with a dew stating facts about Yugoslavia all on the public record.
"47 Neil, whenever we hear your version of why you were expelled you somehow never mention the main thrust of my submission. That was that your blogging was an embarrassment to the Party..... On 13/11/05 (and this post can still be accessed) you called Ashdown a perjurer and implied that he was involved with child sex slavery in Bosnia. How relevant to expulsion do you think these examples were? To repeat, you were not expelled from the Party for being a ‘Classical Liberal’, you were expelled because you are a self-obsessed, offensive idiot."
Well that is interesting. Irrespective of my alleged IQ it is a matter of record that the charge Norman wrote against me was primarily about letters I had had published in the Scottish press, all on traditional liberal low tax & low regulation lines or about the need for nuclear power to keep the lights on, or items on my blog primarily on the same lines, though with a few stating facts about Yugoslavia all on the public record.
Thus officially I was expelled for being a liberal but according to the guy asked to write up the "charges" (which initially they didn't want me to see in case it made a defence possible) this was simply a cover story. The hidden reason for my expulsion is that I was & am opposed to genocide, child rape & Nazi war crimes & that is something which, unofficially but rigidly no member of the party may be.
I don't think it enhances the party's claim to "liberalism" that they didn't really expel me for that. The fact they use being a traditional liberal as a cover stry for expelling me shows how totally oppoed to traditicnal liberalism the party has become.
That it is simply impossible to remain a party member if you do not publicly endorse Nazism & racial genocide is not something I think any decent person can approve of. Of course they do not disapprove of all genocide. "Jenny Tonge, who endorsed suicide bombers (but only in killing Jews) was not expelled by merely sent to the Lords" (post 53). I don't think that the intent can be disputed.
Going through it I found that a post (well 3 #79,80,81 but they are all the same post repeated) had been retroactively inserted into the discussion. This obviously explains why I hadn't taken them/it apart (or even made fun of the duplication). This post is an attempt to defend Nazi Ashdown from the charge of perjury. I think it must be taken as the "official party line" on his perjury. I should point out that I had sent an email to almost all LibDem MPS & MSPS suggesting that they either disown some of Norman's most obvious lies, used to justify the MPs voting for racial genocide, or say why they were true. Mot a one of them did either proving that that not a one of them could, but clearly this means the thread became worth such retroactive rewriting. Also the fact that Norman produces 3 links, whereas he has more often stuck to 1 - from something as accessible as the guardian - suggests more than usual concern. I also assume that retrocatively inserting comments is not easy.
This is the inserted item (#79.80,81):
"You do not dispute that Ashdown testified to seeing ethnic cleansing in villages not visible from where he was. You do not explain how that could possibly be anything other than deliberate perjury (neither has he).[quoting me]
I presume that you are alluding to Andy Wilcoxon’s article for Slobodan Milosevic. Org which alleges perjury by Ashdown based on rebuttal testimony from General Bozidar Delic, called by Milosevic in his defence. Wilcoxon’s article is here but I prefer the Institute of War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) report here . I prefer it because it is a considerably more balanced account than Wilcoxon’s.
Anyone wishing to check the actual evidence should go to the actual ICTY transcript at where they will find, amongst other things Wilcoxon omits, that the Prosecution advanced evidence that the maps which Delic used were the fabrications of a Yugoslav Army disinformation unit.
You have repeatedly advanced Delic’s testimony as incontrovertible proof whereas in practice it is simple assertion. Deilic himself has been accused of war crimes in the precise area Ashdown was describing and so may not be an entirely disinterested witness. See ."
While it is perfectly possible for the ICTY Prosecutor to allege that the maps in question were fabrication it would have been simple to prove if it were true. In fact all that would have been required would have been for an independent person to go to where he said he was & take a photo either of the villages he testified he had seen being "cleansed" or the mountains the maps shown to be in the way. The fact that they did not proves even the prosecution (& obviously Party) knows Ashdown perjured himself to promote racial genocide.
ADDENDUM - I find the site in question is not taking any more comments, or a least not from the likes of me. I guess they know anyway.
The charge Norman wrote against me was primarily about letters I had had published in the Scottish press, all on traditional liberal low tax & low regulation lines or about the need for nuclear power to keep the lights on or about items on my blog primarily on the same lines, though with a dew stating facts about Yugoslavia all on the public record.
"47 Neil, whenever we hear your version of why you were expelled you somehow never mention the main thrust of my submission. That was that your blogging was an embarrassment to the Party..... On 13/11/05 (and this post can still be accessed) you called Ashdown a perjurer and implied that he was involved with child sex slavery in Bosnia. How relevant to expulsion do you think these examples were? To repeat, you were not expelled from the Party for being a ‘Classical Liberal’, you were expelled because you are a self-obsessed, offensive idiot."
Well that is interesting. Irrespective of my alleged IQ it is a matter of record that the charge Norman wrote against me was primarily about letters I had had published in the Scottish press, all on traditional liberal low tax & low regulation lines or about the need for nuclear power to keep the lights on, or items on my blog primarily on the same lines, though with a few stating facts about Yugoslavia all on the public record.
Thus officially I was expelled for being a liberal but according to the guy asked to write up the "charges" (which initially they didn't want me to see in case it made a defence possible) this was simply a cover story. The hidden reason for my expulsion is that I was & am opposed to genocide, child rape & Nazi war crimes & that is something which, unofficially but rigidly no member of the party may be.
I don't think it enhances the party's claim to "liberalism" that they didn't really expel me for that. The fact they use being a traditional liberal as a cover stry for expelling me shows how totally oppoed to traditicnal liberalism the party has become.
That it is simply impossible to remain a party member if you do not publicly endorse Nazism & racial genocide is not something I think any decent person can approve of. Of course they do not disapprove of all genocide. "Jenny Tonge, who endorsed suicide bombers (but only in killing Jews) was not expelled by merely sent to the Lords" (post 53). I don't think that the intent can be disputed.
Going through it I found that a post (well 3 #79,80,81 but they are all the same post repeated) had been retroactively inserted into the discussion. This obviously explains why I hadn't taken them/it apart (or even made fun of the duplication). This post is an attempt to defend Nazi Ashdown from the charge of perjury. I think it must be taken as the "official party line" on his perjury. I should point out that I had sent an email to almost all LibDem MPS & MSPS suggesting that they either disown some of Norman's most obvious lies, used to justify the MPs voting for racial genocide, or say why they were true. Mot a one of them did either proving that that not a one of them could, but clearly this means the thread became worth such retroactive rewriting. Also the fact that Norman produces 3 links, whereas he has more often stuck to 1 - from something as accessible as the guardian - suggests more than usual concern. I also assume that retrocatively inserting comments is not easy.
This is the inserted item (#79.80,81):
"You do not dispute that Ashdown testified to seeing ethnic cleansing in villages not visible from where he was. You do not explain how that could possibly be anything other than deliberate perjury (neither has he).[quoting me]
I presume that you are alluding to Andy Wilcoxon’s article for Slobodan Milosevic. Org which alleges perjury by Ashdown based on rebuttal testimony from General Bozidar Delic, called by Milosevic in his defence. Wilcoxon’s article is here but I prefer the Institute of War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) report here . I prefer it because it is a considerably more balanced account than Wilcoxon’s.
Anyone wishing to check the actual evidence should go to the actual ICTY transcript at where they will find, amongst other things Wilcoxon omits, that the Prosecution advanced evidence that the maps which Delic used were the fabrications of a Yugoslav Army disinformation unit.
You have repeatedly advanced Delic’s testimony as incontrovertible proof whereas in practice it is simple assertion. Deilic himself has been accused of war crimes in the precise area Ashdown was describing and so may not be an entirely disinterested witness. See ."
While it is perfectly possible for the ICTY Prosecutor to allege that the maps in question were fabrication it would have been simple to prove if it were true. In fact all that would have been required would have been for an independent person to go to where he said he was & take a photo either of the villages he testified he had seen being "cleansed" or the mountains the maps shown to be in the way. The fact that they did not proves even the prosecution (& obviously Party) knows Ashdown perjured himself to promote racial genocide.
ADDENDUM - I find the site in question is not taking any more comments, or a least not from the likes of me. I guess they know anyway.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
"INCONVENIENT TRUTH" - Already proven in court to be a pack of lies
Channel 4 Chair
Dear Luke Johnson,
I note that last night C4 broadcast Al Gore's film officially called "An Inconvenient Truth" and colloquially and more accurately "A Pack of Convenient lies By a Wholly Corrupt Genocidal Child Raping Fascist War Criminal Who Spent $4 Million on His Beachfront House".
As you will be aware this propaganda piece has the unique honour of having been proven, in a British court, to contain many lies namely:
- The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government’s expert was forced to concede that this is not correct.
- The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
- The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming. The Government’s expert had to accept that it was “not possible” to attribute one-off events to global warming.
- The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government’s expert had to accept that this was not the case.
- The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm.
The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant’s evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility.
- The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.
- The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration.
- The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim.
There are also matters of opinion on which the film has since been proven wrong - such as that global warming would continue. In fact, as you doubtless know global temperature has declined since filming. The same applies to the increase in hurricanes following Katrina which he promised & though the opposite has happened. And so on. There were also things which, while not untrue, were misleading such as the use of a Mercator projection map of Greenland which showed it larger than central Canada though that is not the case in reality.
Some parts of the film may be true may be true. For example it was asserted that Mr Gore used to have a dog - though whether this & other emotional moments are relevant to the "scientific" claims he was making is questionable.
I do not dispute the propriety of C4 showing this farrago of lies because it is important that you put alternative views. However putting alternative views, rather than merely engaging in propaganda lies, requires that alternative views be put. I must ask when you will be giving equally prime time coverage to a similar lecture by Professor Singer, Viscount Monkton or indeed anybody with better scientific credentials than Gore & alternative views, on this subject?
The traditional, still best & I think most entertaining, way of reaching conclusions on such subjects would be a formal debate. Unfortunately Mr Gore has never felt that actually debating the case would help him & has been in the fortunate position of being given a free unrestrained run by the media for what he says, even when it has been proven to contain lies. Anyway having suggested this before I know that C4 (& to be fair the rest of Britain's broadcasters) are wholly opposed to free debate.
Incidentally since you approve of giving a coverage to controversial views may I ask when you will be broadcasting the film "It Started With A Lie: Nato Aggression against Serbia 1999" which, while putting a controversial view has the great advantage of being wholly truthful. I know that C4 believe in censoring from your news any mention of such things ar the Dragodan Massacre or the even more obscene kidnapping & dissection, while alive, of thousands of Serb teenagers to steal their body organs, carried out by NATO "police" but clearly if C4 ever wishes to be considered in any way honest or impartial, or even not fascist, in at least its non-news items you will be eager to ensure a balance there at least.
I await your reply.
Neil Craig
Any reply will be published, though experience shows C$ do not respond to complaints.
Hat tip to Joshua Rosenberg for pointing me to the German film
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Dear Luke Johnson,
I note that last night C4 broadcast Al Gore's film officially called "An Inconvenient Truth" and colloquially and more accurately "A Pack of Convenient lies By a Wholly Corrupt Genocidal Child Raping Fascist War Criminal Who Spent $4 Million on His Beachfront House".
As you will be aware this propaganda piece has the unique honour of having been proven, in a British court, to contain many lies namely:
- The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government’s expert was forced to concede that this is not correct.
- The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
- The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming. The Government’s expert had to accept that it was “not possible” to attribute one-off events to global warming.
- The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government’s expert had to accept that this was not the case.
- The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm.
The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant’s evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility.
- The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.
- The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration.
- The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government are unable to substantiate this and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim.
There are also matters of opinion on which the film has since been proven wrong - such as that global warming would continue. In fact, as you doubtless know global temperature has declined since filming. The same applies to the increase in hurricanes following Katrina which he promised & though the opposite has happened. And so on. There were also things which, while not untrue, were misleading such as the use of a Mercator projection map of Greenland which showed it larger than central Canada though that is not the case in reality.
Some parts of the film may be true may be true. For example it was asserted that Mr Gore used to have a dog - though whether this & other emotional moments are relevant to the "scientific" claims he was making is questionable.
I do not dispute the propriety of C4 showing this farrago of lies because it is important that you put alternative views. However putting alternative views, rather than merely engaging in propaganda lies, requires that alternative views be put. I must ask when you will be giving equally prime time coverage to a similar lecture by Professor Singer, Viscount Monkton or indeed anybody with better scientific credentials than Gore & alternative views, on this subject?
The traditional, still best & I think most entertaining, way of reaching conclusions on such subjects would be a formal debate. Unfortunately Mr Gore has never felt that actually debating the case would help him & has been in the fortunate position of being given a free unrestrained run by the media for what he says, even when it has been proven to contain lies. Anyway having suggested this before I know that C4 (& to be fair the rest of Britain's broadcasters) are wholly opposed to free debate.
Incidentally since you approve of giving a coverage to controversial views may I ask when you will be broadcasting the film "It Started With A Lie: Nato Aggression against Serbia 1999" which, while putting a controversial view has the great advantage of being wholly truthful. I know that C4 believe in censoring from your news any mention of such things ar the Dragodan Massacre or the even more obscene kidnapping & dissection, while alive, of thousands of Serb teenagers to steal their body organs, carried out by NATO "police" but clearly if C4 ever wishes to be considered in any way honest or impartial, or even not fascist, in at least its non-news items you will be eager to ensure a balance there at least.
I await your reply.
Neil Craig
Any reply will be published, though experience shows C$ do not respond to complaints.
Hat tip to Joshua Rosenberg for pointing me to the German film
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5