Sunday, February 03, 2008
I have sent this letter to the Attorney General Baroness Scotland(correspondenceunit@attorneygeneral.gsi.gov.uk) & also to Scotland's Lord Advocate Rt Hon Elish Angiolini QC. The facts are as I have writen & the UK sponsorship of the Nuremberg Trials is undisputable. I will be very interested in their responses & its legal basis & will publish them.
To the Attorney General
Dear Baroness Scotland QC.
I wish to report a crime. Tony Blair, George Robertson & others are guilty of murder & child rape on a scale that makes Fred West look decent.
At the outbreak of the bombing of Yugoslavia I wrote to your office to point out that under the decisions of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial which Britain accepted & indeed sponsored, planning and launching an aggressive war was a war crime. The attack on Yugoslavia was such a crime, far more blatantly so than the later one on Iraq, since, at no time had Yugoslavia attacked, or even threatened any NATO or other state. Indeed your predecesor refused even to say whether he had even been asked about the legality of that war. Since the end of that war the House of Commons Foreign Affairs committee has stated that the war was illegal. Consequently all the 2,500 deaths by NATO bombing, were illegal premeditated killings, legally murder. The responsible persons therefore provably guilty of murder certainly include, but are not limited to, the then Prime Minister Tony Blair & Defence Minister George Robertson.
Since a formal accusation has been made it is your legal duty to determine if sufficient evidence exists to show whether Mr Blair & Mr Robertson were, or were not PM & Defence Minister respectively at the time of this aggressive war, whether people were deliberately killed in it under their authority & if so to bring them to trial. If this were not done in this most serious murder case then British law would be proven wholly corrupt, which I hope will not be the case.
I further accuse them of the crimes of genocide, child enslavement & rape, all of which are, under the Nuremberg decisions, crimes against humanity. On taking control of Kosovo the accused persons, having undertaken under the occupation agreement to maintain peace & disarm the KLA, an organisation an organisation the Foreign Secrwetary told Parliament to months before going to war to help them, were guilty of genocide.. Instead they were given protection & free reign by NATO, often having been provided with NATO police uniforms, to engage in numerous acts of genocide murdering many thousands of civilians & "ethnically cleansing" 350,000 Serbs, Roma & Jews.
As an example there is the Dragodan massacre when on, or subsequent to, 17th June 1999 (when one of the identified dead, Momcilo Ristanovic, was last seen alive) they murdered a minimum of 210 unarmed civilians under direct British government authority. This was in the Pristina suburb of DRAGODAN in the UK occupation zone. No attempt to stop it or subsequent attempt to arrest the murderers was ever made. Nor even to identify the bodies' DNA. Instead they were deliberately reburied by our government which means that the British authorities including Messrs Blair & Robertson were, at the very least, accessories in murder & genocide
Regarding their involvement in child sex slavery I draw your attention to the statement by Corporal Mark Moss of the Royal Greenjackets who, in 1999 confirmed the effect of the kidnappings of 15 schoolgirls each fortnight, under the new regime "You will not see a single girl alone on the streets, they only go out in packs. Relatives take them to school'."The Amnesty International report, 4 years later "So Does It Mean That We Have The Rights? Protecting The Human Rights of Women And Girls Trafficked for Forced Prostitution in Kosovo" confirms that this is still going on, proving deliberate long term UK government co-operation & that children as young as 11 have been kidnapped & used as sex slaves under Blair & Robertson's direct command authority. This has been going on for years, despite the government having signed an international undertaking to maintain the rule of law in Kosovo & indeed despite our most solemn guarantees under the Helsinki Treaty (Section 1 Clause 1) to "take no action against the territorial integrity or unity" of Yugoslavia. Now Former Yugoslavia. This continuity proves complicity by those in command authority. The decisions regarding the occupation were made under British government authority & mostly on UK soil. This means that, under UK law, both Mr Blair & Mr Robertson are, prima faci, guilty not only of childcrape as a crime against humanity but as a criminal activity under British law.
I have recently been in contact with the FCO who, under an FOI enguiry provided some information giving confirmation of some of this. The rest is in the public record but I would be happy to assist you in any way possible since I believe murder & child rape should not be permitted even when the perpetrator is powerful.
Neil Craig
9% Growth Party
To the Attorney General
Dear Baroness Scotland QC.
I wish to report a crime. Tony Blair, George Robertson & others are guilty of murder & child rape on a scale that makes Fred West look decent.
At the outbreak of the bombing of Yugoslavia I wrote to your office to point out that under the decisions of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial which Britain accepted & indeed sponsored, planning and launching an aggressive war was a war crime. The attack on Yugoslavia was such a crime, far more blatantly so than the later one on Iraq, since, at no time had Yugoslavia attacked, or even threatened any NATO or other state. Indeed your predecesor refused even to say whether he had even been asked about the legality of that war. Since the end of that war the House of Commons Foreign Affairs committee has stated that the war was illegal. Consequently all the 2,500 deaths by NATO bombing, were illegal premeditated killings, legally murder. The responsible persons therefore provably guilty of murder certainly include, but are not limited to, the then Prime Minister Tony Blair & Defence Minister George Robertson.
Since a formal accusation has been made it is your legal duty to determine if sufficient evidence exists to show whether Mr Blair & Mr Robertson were, or were not PM & Defence Minister respectively at the time of this aggressive war, whether people were deliberately killed in it under their authority & if so to bring them to trial. If this were not done in this most serious murder case then British law would be proven wholly corrupt, which I hope will not be the case.
I further accuse them of the crimes of genocide, child enslavement & rape, all of which are, under the Nuremberg decisions, crimes against humanity. On taking control of Kosovo the accused persons, having undertaken under the occupation agreement to maintain peace & disarm the KLA, an organisation an organisation the Foreign Secrwetary told Parliament to months before going to war to help them, were guilty of genocide.. Instead they were given protection & free reign by NATO, often having been provided with NATO police uniforms, to engage in numerous acts of genocide murdering many thousands of civilians & "ethnically cleansing" 350,000 Serbs, Roma & Jews.
As an example there is the Dragodan massacre when on, or subsequent to, 17th June 1999 (when one of the identified dead, Momcilo Ristanovic, was last seen alive) they murdered a minimum of 210 unarmed civilians under direct British government authority. This was in the Pristina suburb of DRAGODAN in the UK occupation zone. No attempt to stop it or subsequent attempt to arrest the murderers was ever made. Nor even to identify the bodies' DNA. Instead they were deliberately reburied by our government which means that the British authorities including Messrs Blair & Robertson were, at the very least, accessories in murder & genocide
Regarding their involvement in child sex slavery I draw your attention to the statement by Corporal Mark Moss of the Royal Greenjackets who, in 1999 confirmed the effect of the kidnappings of 15 schoolgirls each fortnight, under the new regime "You will not see a single girl alone on the streets, they only go out in packs. Relatives take them to school'."The Amnesty International report, 4 years later "So Does It Mean That We Have The Rights? Protecting The Human Rights of Women And Girls Trafficked for Forced Prostitution in Kosovo" confirms that this is still going on, proving deliberate long term UK government co-operation & that children as young as 11 have been kidnapped & used as sex slaves under Blair & Robertson's direct command authority. This has been going on for years, despite the government having signed an international undertaking to maintain the rule of law in Kosovo & indeed despite our most solemn guarantees under the Helsinki Treaty (Section 1 Clause 1) to "take no action against the territorial integrity or unity" of Yugoslavia. Now Former Yugoslavia. This continuity proves complicity by those in command authority. The decisions regarding the occupation were made under British government authority & mostly on UK soil. This means that, under UK law, both Mr Blair & Mr Robertson are, prima faci, guilty not only of childcrape as a crime against humanity but as a criminal activity under British law.
I have recently been in contact with the FCO who, under an FOI enguiry provided some information giving confirmation of some of this. The rest is in the public record but I would be happy to assist you in any way possible since I believe murder & child rape should not be permitted even when the perpetrator is powerful.
Neil Craig
9% Growth Party
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These British and U.S. government officials,these corrupt murderous bastards, should be tried in a U.K. and U.S. peoples' court of law, and then, according to the precdents set down by the "Allied Powers" at Nuremberg, Germany, at the end of the Second World War; hung by the end of a rope.
Bill Clinton and Tony Blair are nothing but un-indicted war criminals; whom apart from murdering thousands of Yugoslav and Serbian civilians, are also guilty of violating international law, including violating that of their respective nations' constitutions.
George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice are continuing in that treasonous, impeachable tradition of supporting Islamofascist Albanian terrorists; otherwise known as the KLA or UCK.
I will be very interested to see the (most likely dissembling and evasive) reply you receive, if any.
See Felix Quigley's comment #1 and my comment #5 here at Canadian website "IsraPundit"
yours sincerely,
Max Rosenthal.
Bill Clinton and Tony Blair are nothing but un-indicted war criminals; whom apart from murdering thousands of Yugoslav and Serbian civilians, are also guilty of violating international law, including violating that of their respective nations' constitutions.
George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice are continuing in that treasonous, impeachable tradition of supporting Islamofascist Albanian terrorists; otherwise known as the KLA or UCK.
I will be very interested to see the (most likely dissembling and evasive) reply you receive, if any.
See Felix Quigley's comment #1 and my comment #5 here at Canadian website "IsraPundit"
yours sincerely,
Max Rosenthal.
A debate currently taking place on the pages of Canadian website, "IsraPundit" (editor, Ted Belman), under the article heading
"Want to know what’s in store for Israel? look at Serbia!"
Also for a worthwhile, deeply informative look at the Kosovo and Bosnia conflicts from a British and Irish perspective, check out the articles on my IsraPundit friend and colleague's web blog site, "4International", here
From doing an internet search on your web blog site, "A place To Stand", all I can say is this:
You sure have plenty, or rather should I say, massive amounts of guts and personal integrity, Neil Craig of Glasgow, Scotland!
Keep on kicking those war criminals' asses in the U.K. foreign policy establishment, my dear Scots friend, Neil Craig.
yours sincerely,
Max Rosenthal.
"Want to know what’s in store for Israel? look at Serbia!"
Also for a worthwhile, deeply informative look at the Kosovo and Bosnia conflicts from a British and Irish perspective, check out the articles on my IsraPundit friend and colleague's web blog site, "4International", here
From doing an internet search on your web blog site, "A place To Stand", all I can say is this:
You sure have plenty, or rather should I say, massive amounts of guts and personal integrity, Neil Craig of Glasgow, Scotland!
Keep on kicking those war criminals' asses in the U.K. foreign policy establishment, my dear Scots friend, Neil Craig.
yours sincerely,
Max Rosenthal.
Greetings, Neil Craig.
Thought you may be interested in this. It blows the lid on Islamofascist, Alija Izetbegovic and his al Qaeda connections; especially his turning Bosnia-Hercegovina into an Islamofascist, Jihadist friendly state.
yours sincerely,
Max Rosenthal.
The Era of Terrorism in Bosnia and Hercegovina
By OnTheWeb
Monday, January 7, 2008
BBC Monitoring International Reports
extract of report by Bosnian edition of Croatian daily Vecernji list, on 11 December (2007)
Dzevad Galijasevic - a controversial politician, chairman of the New Democratic Party in Bosnia and Hercegovina, and former mayor of the Maglaj Municipality - recently presented in Belgrade his new book, “The Era of Terrorism in Bosnia and Hercegovina”.
This is the final book in a trilogy of sorts that talks about the arrival of mujahidin in Bosnia-Hercegovina, exposes the organizations that support them, and details illegal as well as legal activities they are involved in. Galijasevic holds the view that Alija Izetbegovic’s Islamic Declaration laid the cornerstone for the mujahidin to come to wartime and postwar Bosnia and Hercegovina.
[Soldo] Why do you think that the Islamic Declaration is the “main culprit” for these completely new developments in Bosnia-Hercegovina?
[Galijasevic] No one in the B-H public has seriously studied Alija Izetbegovic’s Islamic Declaration, which was the first and the most important step that Bosnian Muslims took to move away from Oriental decadence and embrace active Islamism. This means belief and struggle: in addition to “iman” [Islamic faith], you must take part in perpetual jihad.
I shed light on the Islamic Declaration from four different angles. Is the Islamic Declaration truly Islamic? Is it a document created on the basis of historical experience? Is it a civilizational document originating from the European cultural community?
Finally, how is it perceived by non-Muslims in Bosnia-Hercegovina? Thus, the Islamic Declaration is an autochthonic, anti-Muslim, anti-historical, anti-civilizational, and anti-civic document. It laid the cornerstone for things that aggressively came here on the wings of war - the arrival of holy warriors, who are in fact ordinary bearded murderers who crept out of some feudal darkness of other societies.
[Soldo] You published in your book a list of all mujahidin who were granted B-H citizenship?
[Galijasevic] The book describes the way in which they arrive and through what organizations, as well as the legal and illegal activities they are involved in.
They make war more brutal than it is. I published the names of all 1,250 mujahidin who were granted B-H citizenship.
I identified their political protectors such as Haris Silajdzic, Hasan Cengic, Alija Izetbegovic, and Bakir Izetbegovic, as well as their protectors in the police such as Semsudin Mehmedovic, who is currently the deputy chairman of the committee overseeing SIPA [State Investigation and Protection Agency] and police reform expert.
He married the mujahidin to girls from Bosnia and Hercegovina. As proof of this I published six marriage certificates issued in Tesanj, where the first mujahidin community was formed in the village of Jablanica. Their fictitious marriages were concluded by the then chief of police, which was the way to get B-H citizenships and break the law.
[Soldo] What role did major world powers play in this?
[Galijasevic] The book talks about established terrorist organizations and their operatives in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Izetbegovic’s government was blackmailed by US Government and it ultimately had to give up Abu Mali’s services.
[Soldo] It is your view that the mujahidin take the biggest credit for Al-Qa’idah’s development in Bosnia-Hercegovina?
[Galijasevic] Never before in Islam did we have decapitation and taking pictures with severed heads, which symbolizes severance of all links with Christianity - a definitive showdown with Christianity for the next 500 years.
“What Suleiman the Magnificent did to our last king, Stjepan Tomasevic, each Bosnian mujahidin must do the same.” This is their message. In war this idea was created on the basis of “local folklore”; over the past four to five years it has become Al-Qa’idah’s practice.
[Soldo] Who are Al-Qa’idah followers in Bosnia-Hercegovina and what is their motive?
[Galijasevic] Throughout the world, Bosnia-Hercegovina included, there are Al-Qa’idah cells. In Bosnia-Hercegovina you have indigenous local population, mostly in backward rural areas, a part of which - perhaps around 10 per cent - has embraced Wahhabi principles, that is Islamic activism. Their leaders are in Sarajevo, in King Fahd’s Mosque, in the government, in the B-H Presidency, and so on.
[Soldo] On the other hand, the international community does not attach a high level of importance to this?
[Galijasevic] The international community is not involved in these issues because it understands that Bosnia-Hercegovina is not a target of terrorist activities.
This is the reason why these mediocre bureaucrats in international bodies do not want to notify their bosses of the growing network that is no longer in a phase of operational execution of actions. Operational execution of actions ended with the murders of Croats in central Bosnia, the murder of Slavko Ivanovic in Maglaj, four explosive devices in Maglaj, and the murder of Jozo Leutar.
In Bosnia-Hercegovina today Al-Qa’idah is in a strategic planning phase.
This means that, among such potentials - and it is likely that there are 100,000 such believers - you can find five people who are sufficiently socially vulnerable, primitive, and insane to hang bombs on their belts and bring in explosives “wherever necessary.”
All such initiatives come from there.
[Soldo] What do you mean?
[Galijasevic] This means that Bosnia-Hercegovina ostensibly wants to expel Abu Hamza and his men, but then it is punished by Ali Hamad’s testimony in Sarajevo in the Hague tribunal’s trial of General Rasim Delic.
This is retribution by this part of Al-Qa’idah, which is exacting revenge on Bosnian authorities for the failure to protect more vigorously their stay in Bosnia-Hercegovina.
[Soldo] Does this form of Al-Qa’idah pose a credible threat to Bosnia-Hercegovina?
[Galijasevic] It is clear that the system as set up right now is strong enough to destabilize Europe. It is also clear that they are waiting for EU accession; thus, this white, European physiognomy and anthropology - the so-called “white Al-Qa’idah - can in fact be the most fatal for Europe, while Bosnia-Hercegovina is an insignificant target for Al-Qa’idah.
[Soldo] What do Bosniak intellectuals say?
[Galijasevic] Bosniak intellectual elite are at quite a distance from the battleground where this battle is fought - in mosques, rural settlements, villages, and among the insufficiently educated population.
A bad education policy for the people is the biggest problem, because it turns out that Al-Qa’idah was created in socially conflicting and uneducated areas of the Arab world, where strong dictatorships were present.
In a city you can get a Ph.D., but in Zeljezno Polje you are not even able to finish secondary school. They resolve social problems with this kind of participation. Thus, Bosnian intellectuals are in fact unable to lead the fight against this evil.
[Soldo] Is there a solution?
[Galijasevic] We often behave with regard to this issue like Serbs, who say, “Let us not talk about Karadzic and there is no problem.” Likewise, we say, “Let us not talk about Al-Qa’idah.” However, every once in a while “some bombs” go off, and then some media try to persuade the public that this was the work of a madman.
Does anyone need to convince us that he is crazy? Of course he is crazy. These precisely are the people Al-Qa’idah is recruiting and looking for. Do you think that Muamer Topalovic, the murderer of an entire Catholic family in Kostajnica, is normal?
Of course he is mad, but he was charged with and convicted of brutal murder, not terrorism, which was the act he in fact committed.
[Soldo] The Bosniak right wing often accuses you of betraying your own Bosniak people. What do you think?
[Galijasevic] With this book I do not want to denounce my people. In this book I present my views on the religious teaching of the Muslim people that I belong to, because I want to defend my faith and my people from these bearded thugs and politicians who brought this concept on the wings of personal interests.
Our politicians and religious dignitaries took money from the Arab world; when you do that, you also assume “obligations on my behalf.” These obligations include allowing the worst evil to develop here.
My family and I were also at the receiving end of very blunt threats and attacks, but what I am saying is the actual truth.
Izetbegovic’s project succeeded and I understand him.
That is why I wrote about him and tried to make him understood to non-Muslims in the way that I as a Muslim understand him.
Arabs, Bosniaks’ Only Brothers
“Active Islamism is pushing one’s own nation in the whirlpool of problems of other Islamic countries." Galijasevic said.
"It is getting Bosnian Muslims interested in events in the Arab world, in the Iranian revolution, in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
"It is bringing Bosnia closer to Palestine.
"It is turning Muslims’ true historical brothers, Serbs and Croats, into eternal and irreconcilable enemies, and turning Arabs into the only and actual brothers who look, behave, and talk differently and have a completely different view of the family, the state, and themselves,” Galijasevic said.
Source: Vecernji list (Bosnia-Hercegovina edition), Zagreb, in Croatian 11 Dec 07
Thought you may be interested in this. It blows the lid on Islamofascist, Alija Izetbegovic and his al Qaeda connections; especially his turning Bosnia-Hercegovina into an Islamofascist, Jihadist friendly state.
yours sincerely,
Max Rosenthal.
The Era of Terrorism in Bosnia and Hercegovina
By OnTheWeb
Monday, January 7, 2008
BBC Monitoring International Reports
extract of report by Bosnian edition of Croatian daily Vecernji list, on 11 December (2007)
Dzevad Galijasevic - a controversial politician, chairman of the New Democratic Party in Bosnia and Hercegovina, and former mayor of the Maglaj Municipality - recently presented in Belgrade his new book, “The Era of Terrorism in Bosnia and Hercegovina”.
This is the final book in a trilogy of sorts that talks about the arrival of mujahidin in Bosnia-Hercegovina, exposes the organizations that support them, and details illegal as well as legal activities they are involved in. Galijasevic holds the view that Alija Izetbegovic’s Islamic Declaration laid the cornerstone for the mujahidin to come to wartime and postwar Bosnia and Hercegovina.
[Soldo] Why do you think that the Islamic Declaration is the “main culprit” for these completely new developments in Bosnia-Hercegovina?
[Galijasevic] No one in the B-H public has seriously studied Alija Izetbegovic’s Islamic Declaration, which was the first and the most important step that Bosnian Muslims took to move away from Oriental decadence and embrace active Islamism. This means belief and struggle: in addition to “iman” [Islamic faith], you must take part in perpetual jihad.
I shed light on the Islamic Declaration from four different angles. Is the Islamic Declaration truly Islamic? Is it a document created on the basis of historical experience? Is it a civilizational document originating from the European cultural community?
Finally, how is it perceived by non-Muslims in Bosnia-Hercegovina? Thus, the Islamic Declaration is an autochthonic, anti-Muslim, anti-historical, anti-civilizational, and anti-civic document. It laid the cornerstone for things that aggressively came here on the wings of war - the arrival of holy warriors, who are in fact ordinary bearded murderers who crept out of some feudal darkness of other societies.
[Soldo] You published in your book a list of all mujahidin who were granted B-H citizenship?
[Galijasevic] The book describes the way in which they arrive and through what organizations, as well as the legal and illegal activities they are involved in.
They make war more brutal than it is. I published the names of all 1,250 mujahidin who were granted B-H citizenship.
I identified their political protectors such as Haris Silajdzic, Hasan Cengic, Alija Izetbegovic, and Bakir Izetbegovic, as well as their protectors in the police such as Semsudin Mehmedovic, who is currently the deputy chairman of the committee overseeing SIPA [State Investigation and Protection Agency] and police reform expert.
He married the mujahidin to girls from Bosnia and Hercegovina. As proof of this I published six marriage certificates issued in Tesanj, where the first mujahidin community was formed in the village of Jablanica. Their fictitious marriages were concluded by the then chief of police, which was the way to get B-H citizenships and break the law.
[Soldo] What role did major world powers play in this?
[Galijasevic] The book talks about established terrorist organizations and their operatives in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Izetbegovic’s government was blackmailed by US Government and it ultimately had to give up Abu Mali’s services.
[Soldo] It is your view that the mujahidin take the biggest credit for Al-Qa’idah’s development in Bosnia-Hercegovina?
[Galijasevic] Never before in Islam did we have decapitation and taking pictures with severed heads, which symbolizes severance of all links with Christianity - a definitive showdown with Christianity for the next 500 years.
“What Suleiman the Magnificent did to our last king, Stjepan Tomasevic, each Bosnian mujahidin must do the same.” This is their message. In war this idea was created on the basis of “local folklore”; over the past four to five years it has become Al-Qa’idah’s practice.
[Soldo] Who are Al-Qa’idah followers in Bosnia-Hercegovina and what is their motive?
[Galijasevic] Throughout the world, Bosnia-Hercegovina included, there are Al-Qa’idah cells. In Bosnia-Hercegovina you have indigenous local population, mostly in backward rural areas, a part of which - perhaps around 10 per cent - has embraced Wahhabi principles, that is Islamic activism. Their leaders are in Sarajevo, in King Fahd’s Mosque, in the government, in the B-H Presidency, and so on.
[Soldo] On the other hand, the international community does not attach a high level of importance to this?
[Galijasevic] The international community is not involved in these issues because it understands that Bosnia-Hercegovina is not a target of terrorist activities.
This is the reason why these mediocre bureaucrats in international bodies do not want to notify their bosses of the growing network that is no longer in a phase of operational execution of actions. Operational execution of actions ended with the murders of Croats in central Bosnia, the murder of Slavko Ivanovic in Maglaj, four explosive devices in Maglaj, and the murder of Jozo Leutar.
In Bosnia-Hercegovina today Al-Qa’idah is in a strategic planning phase.
This means that, among such potentials - and it is likely that there are 100,000 such believers - you can find five people who are sufficiently socially vulnerable, primitive, and insane to hang bombs on their belts and bring in explosives “wherever necessary.”
All such initiatives come from there.
[Soldo] What do you mean?
[Galijasevic] This means that Bosnia-Hercegovina ostensibly wants to expel Abu Hamza and his men, but then it is punished by Ali Hamad’s testimony in Sarajevo in the Hague tribunal’s trial of General Rasim Delic.
This is retribution by this part of Al-Qa’idah, which is exacting revenge on Bosnian authorities for the failure to protect more vigorously their stay in Bosnia-Hercegovina.
[Soldo] Does this form of Al-Qa’idah pose a credible threat to Bosnia-Hercegovina?
[Galijasevic] It is clear that the system as set up right now is strong enough to destabilize Europe. It is also clear that they are waiting for EU accession; thus, this white, European physiognomy and anthropology - the so-called “white Al-Qa’idah - can in fact be the most fatal for Europe, while Bosnia-Hercegovina is an insignificant target for Al-Qa’idah.
[Soldo] What do Bosniak intellectuals say?
[Galijasevic] Bosniak intellectual elite are at quite a distance from the battleground where this battle is fought - in mosques, rural settlements, villages, and among the insufficiently educated population.
A bad education policy for the people is the biggest problem, because it turns out that Al-Qa’idah was created in socially conflicting and uneducated areas of the Arab world, where strong dictatorships were present.
In a city you can get a Ph.D., but in Zeljezno Polje you are not even able to finish secondary school. They resolve social problems with this kind of participation. Thus, Bosnian intellectuals are in fact unable to lead the fight against this evil.
[Soldo] Is there a solution?
[Galijasevic] We often behave with regard to this issue like Serbs, who say, “Let us not talk about Karadzic and there is no problem.” Likewise, we say, “Let us not talk about Al-Qa’idah.” However, every once in a while “some bombs” go off, and then some media try to persuade the public that this was the work of a madman.
Does anyone need to convince us that he is crazy? Of course he is crazy. These precisely are the people Al-Qa’idah is recruiting and looking for. Do you think that Muamer Topalovic, the murderer of an entire Catholic family in Kostajnica, is normal?
Of course he is mad, but he was charged with and convicted of brutal murder, not terrorism, which was the act he in fact committed.
[Soldo] The Bosniak right wing often accuses you of betraying your own Bosniak people. What do you think?
[Galijasevic] With this book I do not want to denounce my people. In this book I present my views on the religious teaching of the Muslim people that I belong to, because I want to defend my faith and my people from these bearded thugs and politicians who brought this concept on the wings of personal interests.
Our politicians and religious dignitaries took money from the Arab world; when you do that, you also assume “obligations on my behalf.” These obligations include allowing the worst evil to develop here.
My family and I were also at the receiving end of very blunt threats and attacks, but what I am saying is the actual truth.
Izetbegovic’s project succeeded and I understand him.
That is why I wrote about him and tried to make him understood to non-Muslims in the way that I as a Muslim understand him.
Arabs, Bosniaks’ Only Brothers
“Active Islamism is pushing one’s own nation in the whirlpool of problems of other Islamic countries." Galijasevic said.
"It is getting Bosnian Muslims interested in events in the Arab world, in the Iranian revolution, in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
"It is bringing Bosnia closer to Palestine.
"It is turning Muslims’ true historical brothers, Serbs and Croats, into eternal and irreconcilable enemies, and turning Arabs into the only and actual brothers who look, behave, and talk differently and have a completely different view of the family, the state, and themselves,” Galijasevic said.
Source: Vecernji list (Bosnia-Hercegovina edition), Zagreb, in Croatian 11 Dec 07
Hi Neil,
I was going to submit a detailed comment here but it looks like Max Rosenthal of Israpundit beat me to it.
Well done, to my dear friend Max, and keep up the great work, Neil!
Post a Comment
I was going to submit a detailed comment here but it looks like Max Rosenthal of Israpundit beat me to it.
Well done, to my dear friend Max, and keep up the great work, Neil!
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