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Thursday, March 15, 2007


From the FT via CCNet
A European summit agreed to toughen regulations against old-fashioned incandescent bulbs by 2009 as part of a bid to cut greenhouse gas emissions. But earlier in the week officials from trade ministries rebuffed attempts by the European Commission to end five-year-old surcharges on imports of energy-efficient bulbs from China.

The 66 per cent duty was imposed in 2002 after European manufacturers complained of dumping by the Chinese. It expires in October but Siemens of Germany, which owns the Osram brand, is pushing for an extension
Government often seems to wish to make everything either compulsory or illegal. The EU is doing both at once, though to be fair, in different offices.

Thanks for your comments on my site.

I've been away from my desk for a while, and on returning yesterday I finally and belatedly cleared out my spam comment box, unearthing yours from last week.

Apologies for that, since it's the third comment in a row of yours which has somehow ended up in there.

I can only assume that someone has wrongly allocated one of your previous comments elsewhere on WordPress as spam, and that the Akismet software therefore stubbornly continues to classify any new comments in that way.

There was some correspondence about this in the WordPress forums some time ago, since it seems that the software is notoriously slow to 'unlearn' its bias against you, once learned.

My belated approval of your comments will help, but it might also be worth you contacting WordPress to let them know about this problem (e mail: since in previous cases they have managed to sort this out once notified.

In the meantime, I'll try to keep a closer eye on that spam box, although I must say that with the continuous bombardment of sleaze and dubious pharmaceuticals, it is easy to lose the will to delve around in there.

Spam truly is a curse of the modern age.

- Roads
Thanks Roads I have passed it on. I keep getting ones offering me God or a larger penis. I am sceptical about both.
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