Tuesday, February 06, 2007
This morning I woke up to BBC Radio Scotland's morning show to a feature on the project to put massive pylons across the Scottish Highlands so as to get us access to subsidised windmills. Naturally the BBC was, in their impartial way, in favour & Gary stated, as fact, that these pylons would allow us to get "cheap renewable energy".
I know the BBC are a state funded propaganda organisation strongly committed to the eco-fascist agenda but you can spin without being totally dishonest. The fact is that onshore wind cost 5.4p a unit, including back up & coal is half that (& French nuclear half again).
Being a bit of a bore about honesty I phoned them (twice) to mention the untruth & say they should, even in passing, mention the possibilty they had misled.
They didn't. I can accept that Gary, through ignorance or whatever made a foolish claim on air. What is quite improper is for the BBC to deliberately maintain this highly political lie when they know it to be such.
I know the BBC are a state funded propaganda organisation strongly committed to the eco-fascist agenda but you can spin without being totally dishonest. The fact is that onshore wind cost 5.4p a unit, including back up & coal is half that (& French nuclear half again).
Being a bit of a bore about honesty I phoned them (twice) to mention the untruth & say they should, even in passing, mention the possibilty they had misled.
They didn't. I can accept that Gary, through ignorance or whatever made a foolish claim on air. What is quite improper is for the BBC to deliberately maintain this highly political lie when they know it to be such.
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It's a scam and a rip off. Simple as that.
Received 16th Feb
Dear Mr Craig
Thank you for your e-mail.
This is an update to let you know that we are dealing with your recent complaint but are waiting to clarify some points with other colleagues in the BBC before we reply more fully to you.
We will of course respond as soon as possible but trust you will understand that the time taken can also depend on the nature and number of the other complaints we are currently investigating. The BBC also issues public responses to issues which prompt large numbers of significant complaints and these can be read on our website at www.bbc.co.uk/complaints.
We would like to reassure you that your complaint has already been logged and circulated in our daily report to BBC managers. We would therefore be grateful if you would not reply to this email and, in the meantime, would like to thank you for contacting the BBC with details of your concerns.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact the BBC.
Richard Carey
BBC Information
PS Gary's show did another on windmills today - I rang & asked if he was going to make the correction today & was told it would be passed on. Imagine my astonishment when he didn't.
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Dear Mr Craig
Thank you for your e-mail.
This is an update to let you know that we are dealing with your recent complaint but are waiting to clarify some points with other colleagues in the BBC before we reply more fully to you.
We will of course respond as soon as possible but trust you will understand that the time taken can also depend on the nature and number of the other complaints we are currently investigating. The BBC also issues public responses to issues which prompt large numbers of significant complaints and these can be read on our website at www.bbc.co.uk/complaints.
We would like to reassure you that your complaint has already been logged and circulated in our daily report to BBC managers. We would therefore be grateful if you would not reply to this email and, in the meantime, would like to thank you for contacting the BBC with details of your concerns.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact the BBC.
Richard Carey
BBC Information
PS Gary's show did another on windmills today - I rang & asked if he was going to make the correction today & was told it would be passed on. Imagine my astonishment when he didn't.
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