Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Certainly something pretty spectacular has happened as this vidoe shows.. Yet there has been no mention on our TV or radio.
Normally I don't use this site for breaking news but for putting my, I hope relatively original views & thus have had little to say on Iraq.
However the reason I am doing this is because I am also now back on the Channel 4 discussion group. They had a thread recently started by the moderator on an explosion in Baghdad, a different one, which seemed to me less important than this story. So I tried to put up a thread & got this;
The first live reports were aired live on US network TV:elsewhere it is being claimed that 300 US soldiers could be killed.
" We're getting some amazing pictures, some very dramatic pictures coming out of Iraq to us from Baghdad. You can read the lower third there. "Explosions rock Camp Falcon just outside of Baghdad." It is 11:28 p.m. there right now."
MSNBC News bureau in Baghdad, the bureau chief said " there have been a series of explosions near the Camp Falcon area located just outside of Baghdad, and CPIC is confirming that there was an explosion at an ammo dump, which would explain these amazing dramatic pictures in the night sky of Baghdad. It exploded at Camp Falcon." The U.S. military base is south of Baghdad. (MNSBC, 10 Oct, 2006)
Michel Chossudovsky
They were spectacular explosions because DU in storage all goes off at once.
You could see the streamers of DU chunks burning through the cloud and the familiar mushroom cloud. That is not Willie Pete or White Phosphorus because they leave white smoke and wobble.
The public is still unaware of the Depleted Uranium ( DU ) munitions threat and the Pentagon and media have been complicit in this blackout.
Certainly something pretty spectacular has happened as this vidoe shows.. Yet there has been no mention on our TV or radio.
Normally I don't use this site for breaking news but for putting my, I hope relatively original views & thus have had little to say on Iraq.
However the reason I am doing this is because I am also now back on the Channel 4 discussion group. They had a thread recently started by the moderator on an explosion in Baghdad, a different one, which seemed to me less important than this story. So I tried to put up a thread & got this;
Thank you for contributing to this forum. Unfortunately, your post will not be displayed until after it is approved by community administrators, because one or more trigger words were used in your post.I will let you know if they do put it up but right now I find the whole thing chilling.
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