Saturday, August 12, 2006
I think this commenton Iain Dale's blog deserves further exposure. Iain was running an item on the faking of various pictures at Qana which has now been verified to the discomfort of a number of people commenting there. I had also commented previously on the blatant fakinery involved in Bosnia & Kosovo.
Richard Bailey said...My italics added. Let us not ever, under any circumstances, have anybody from the lying racists of the BBC ever claiming that they do not manufacture the news. I replied
Iain, I didn't comment then but will now. Well done for both posts. Your instincts were always right. I saw for myself in Kosovo how people on the ground manipulate images and especially the media. Never ever trust what you see on the evening news.
I looked after the BBC team in Pristina during my time their, acting aas their military escort and PR man. Hell, even their most famous and undoubtedly brilliant premiere reporter knew EXACTLY what she intended to say on that evening's news before the day had begun, and I can assure you that odd things were done to achieve it if the day didn't quite offer up the required backdrops. We spent one afternoon looking for a burning building and racing to get there before it went out!!
The Kosovans knew exactly what they were doing when they pitched camp in Macedonia and they used Blair visits for their means far more than he used them for his!
I know, I was there, and to my eternal shame, I helped ensure that the right shots were taken and the right tents were visited.
Enough said.
Thank you Richard Bailey for your post.Incidentally I think this is another example of where the entire left/right dichotomy breaks down. Iain is a Tory & economically a fairly pro capitalist one. His blog is clearly run specificly to push Toryism. Nonetheless he is obviously not pushing the "trust the great & good" position which what traditionally the Tory party was about. On the other hand most opponents would call themselves comparatively left wing yet are supporting the "left wing" opposition to Israel. If supporting terrorists is left wing, & pointing out dishonesty by the state broadcasting system is right wing then I suggest left & right are now politically meaningless.
The lying the media has been, at the very least, involved in goes back to Kosovo & Bosnia & I suspect, much further.
I am not sure how much the present exposures are due to the existence of the blogsphere being able to present views & facts the official media censor & how much to the fact that Hezbollah do not have the general level of government support the ex-Nazi Izetbegovic in Bosnia & our genocidal KLA friends had.
I suspect that something like 50% optimism is justified.
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While much of this was as I thought CNN's " camera crew separated the children from their parents and then paired them up with the old people who the children did not know. The result was that the children would cry" was pretty sick. Certainly comparable to & probably inspirational for what went on in Lebanon.
If the world's best known broadcasters are willing to routinely do this are there any circumstances when they can be trusted?
To answer myself - Yes. My rule is that when a journalist or politician lets slip something that is not in their interest it can be believed although even then when in front of an audience of good old boys they sometimes overegg the evils they, so cleverly, managed.
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If the world's best known broadcasters are willing to routinely do this are there any circumstances when they can be trusted?
To answer myself - Yes. My rule is that when a journalist or politician lets slip something that is not in their interest it can be believed although even then when in front of an audience of good old boys they sometimes overegg the evils they, so cleverly, managed.
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