Friday, May 27, 2005
The agenda for the climate section of the G8 meeting has been leaked & this is how it starts:
The more I look at how we are governed the more it becomes apparent that our leaders really aren't any smarter or well informed than the rest of us & often considerably more biased.
The great advantage of "renewable" power is that it provides gainful employment to enormous numbers of bureaucrats, inspectors, subsidy dispensers, subsidy recipients & assorted paper pushers for whom atomic physics is to complicated. Since they can never solve the problem this way they can never do themselves out of a job there is, in fact, an almost complete unity between the G8 leaders & their "opponents". Indeed when you look at the extent that anti-nuclear energy advocates like Scottish Renewables & the Carbon Trust use government provided taxpayers money to frighten the taxpayers with demonstrably dishonest propaganda it is clear that the alliance between global movers & the "environmental" movement is no accident.
The full text can be found here. It is full of phrases like "landmark agreement", "we need to work together", "clear sense of direction", "strong & sustainable economic growth" & "develop a Technical Assistance Facility to assist in the development of better policy frameworks". You won't miss much.
1) Climate Change and Sustainable EnergyNot one of these statements is unambiguously true. The evidence for warming is slight & amounts to half a degree over the last century & half a degree is not going to melt glaciers. Such warming is less than has happened in the past so it is as likely that fluctuations in solar output (eg the Maunder Minimum) may be the primary driver - it is even possible that the genuine increase in CO2 is an effect not a cause of warming. This is an issue which deserves considerable serious research & should be addressed by action only when we actually know what is going on.
Our world is warming. Climate change is a serious long-term threat that has the potential to affect every part of the globe. And we know that by increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mankind’s activities are contributing to this warming. This is an issue we must address now.
The more I look at how we are governed the more it becomes apparent that our leaders really aren't any smarter or well informed than the rest of us & often considerably more biased.
2)At the same time, the world’s energy needs are growing rapidly. Access to secure, reliable and affordable energy sources is fundamentally important for economic stability and growth.2 is sufficiently obvious to be a cliche. 3 is wrong because we know exactly how to provide all the energy we need cheaply, reliably & sustainably - by nuclear power. The current "challenge" is purely to find a nonexistent system which will work as well as the existing system & there ain't no such animal. This is a "problem" which is insoluble but not serious.
3) Meeting these energy needs in a sustainable way is one of the greatest long-term challenges we face as a global community. At the same time, the world’s energy needs are growing rapidly. Access to secure, reliable and affordable energy sources is fundamentally important for economic stability and growth.
The great advantage of "renewable" power is that it provides gainful employment to enormous numbers of bureaucrats, inspectors, subsidy dispensers, subsidy recipients & assorted paper pushers for whom atomic physics is to complicated. Since they can never solve the problem this way they can never do themselves out of a job there is, in fact, an almost complete unity between the G8 leaders & their "opponents". Indeed when you look at the extent that anti-nuclear energy advocates like Scottish Renewables & the Carbon Trust use government provided taxpayers money to frighten the taxpayers with demonstrably dishonest propaganda it is clear that the alliance between global movers & the "environmental" movement is no accident.
The full text can be found here. It is full of phrases like "landmark agreement", "we need to work together", "clear sense of direction", "strong & sustainable economic growth" & "develop a Technical Assistance Facility to assist in the development of better policy frameworks". You won't miss much.