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Sunday, April 06, 2008


Jerry Pournelle put up my email on the Kosovo organlegging. He even reprinted my added remark about the poisoning of Milosevic. It says much in favour of the American libertarian "right" that they have consistently shown infinitely more human decency towards the socialist Milosevic & those who followed him than almost all the obscene Nazi leftists such as Clare Short & German Foreign Joschka Fischer.

Organlegging - makes oil wars look nice

"Independent Beta news agency carried excerpts from Del Ponte's book, 'Hunt, Me and War Criminals', in which she says that in the course of her investigations she learned that some 300 Serbs were abducted and killed for organ trafficking in 1999. The abductions were allegedly the work of Kosovo Albanians.....

her team of investigators had been informed that some 300 Serbs were killed for organ trafficking after being transferred from Kosovo to the small town Burrel, 91 kilometres north of Albanian capital Tirana.

A room in a 'yellow house' outside the town was used as the operation theatre. Organs were extracted from young people there, taken to Tirana airport, and trafficked abroad. Those people were later killed and secretly buried, according to information she cites.

Del Ponte says her team found the house in Burrel in 2003, following leads by 'reliable journalists' and by the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) administration.

But despite finding traces of blood in the house which had been re-painted white in the meantime, as well as remains of old, used medical material (gauze, a used syringe, two plastic infusion bags hardened in mud, empty drug bottles, among them of drugs used for muscle relaxation), 'we decided the evidence was not enough. Without bodies or firm evidence that would link any suspects with the crimes, all the possibilities for further investigation for the tribunal's prosecution were closed,' Del Ponte wrote."

They put Milosevic on "trial" for 4 1/2 years & then "somebody" poisoned him with Rifampicine, with far less actual evidence than they clearly have here.

Neil Craig

I also sent out this same email to every national newspaper in Britain, plus the BBC, with the heading of 9% Growth Party &
I hope this will get at least 30 times as much coverage in your publication as the probably 10 killings of Tibetans has. A free & democratic society depend on the media reporting honestly & not censoring such things as NATO supported genocide for profit:
in an attempt to shame at least some of them into making some small reference to it. This seems to have failed . With the exception of a mention by Fox, a couple of Italian papers & a Greek newspaper in America the censorship, at least within the NATO countries, seems to be total.

I have also described it & put up the link on several newspaper online sections & done a letter to newspapers. I hope others will do the same since our "democracy" is pointless if those in power can prevent the people knowing of our leader's involvement in what is literally cannibalism the act or practice of humans consuming other humans

TGFI (Thank God For the Internet an acronym I discovered at the back of my brain).

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